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I ordered this BOM today

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When we met Joe on Friday to take him the finished quilts he slipped me some cash and said, "spend it on something quilt related for yourself". I thought for a few days about what I wanted and Randy suggested that I get the Block of the Month quilt that I have been drooling over for the past few weeks. So, today I took the plunge and placed my order.

I will be getting, "LoveBird Lane" designed by Arlene Stamper and Melissa Harris's. I have different borders planned I'm soooo excited!!!


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Originally posted by RitaR

Hey Now, Penny, that is very unique, and so cute, too. I think I'd use a diff border too, this one just doesn't fit.. At least I don't think it does.

Have fun with it..


Hi RitaR,

I am going to order extra of the rose print and green stripe.

My plan is to do a double scalloped border

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Originally posted by Kwilt-n-Deb

I just bought this same pattern, and it is so cute. The hard part for me is tracking down just the right material for it. But I can hardly wait to put the pieces together.

Hey Deb,

I ordered my kit from Quilts in Montana they have the same fabric and they also have Kits for this quilt. Here is their website if you would like. The fabric is 10% off right now.


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