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Has anyone begun piecing the great block from

Shannon's block swap? I already have 5 made I am just lovin it. I woujld just love to go ahead and just make a top out of them but I must wait for my squishy bag to come to me in Sept. Let's hear your spill on this swap., I especially like the size of the block. It is especially easy to piece together. I already had lots of batik's so it was easy to get started. Thanks again Shannon for leading us to more quilt blocks from all over.

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Gail I wish I could start mine,

List of things to do !!!

Finish quilting a sampler quilt for a friend (she is the only one I quilt for),

Thursday I have a Show and Tell with my club, we have over 100 attending., and of course I am still sewing binding on a few quilts.

Make and then write the instructions for a table runner (for another friend)

Start my Spring Block quilt,

Start my batik blocks and post to Shannon

Finish off another UFO for the North Queensland Exhibition in August

OMG what I am doing, get off this computer and start sewing girl:D:D

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Well Karen, I must admit that you are one BUSY women when it comes to quilt related. I have put together my spring block quilt top and I am soooooo pleased with it. Now just getting it quilted and bound. NO RUSH KAREN, you've got till the end of August. Bet your happy about that.

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gail -

i promised myself that i would finish up a top that has been sitting on my dsm sewing table since BEFORE i got lola-baby before i started the swap blocks. it is almost all together and my swap fabrics are just staring at me waiting to be cut and pieced. what a bonus that this was such a great incentive for me to get this top finished casue i am SICK OF LOOKING AT IT. i'm really loving the fabrics i picked for the swap. i can hardly wait to get piecing those as well.

i should have made piecing the challenge from my quilt group a priority, too. but i will get to that one of these days, i suppose.

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Just bought material and will start cutting next weekend.

Finished 2 challenges quilts for the guild meeting June 1st.

Finishing top from the last challenge...Need to replace the one wavy border...HATE WHEN THIS HAPPENS.. I must have been asleep when sewing it.:mad::mad::mad:

Then starting the blocks. Wanted to use yellow but could not find the right yellow.


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Been pretty busy this weekend, had friends over Friday night, and yesterday stayed home in bed due to a migraine while the rest of my family headed to a party :( but today been working on them in between being in the pool and doing laundry. Should have 1/2 of them done tonight.

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OK, finished the Sampler Quilt today yay:D

New plan of action.

Tomorrow drive my husband to the bus stop at 3am, he goes back to work for a week ;)

Also tomorrow have to bake 4 date rolls and make 2 Mars Bar Cheesecakes for Thursday yum yum, also organise what quilts I am taking for show and tell:o:o and pack the car

Thursday out all day, have to leave home at 7am as it is a 50 minute drive

Friday make my table runner pattern hopefully that will only take a day


Saturday start my batik blocks

Thank goodness it is only DS and I home for a week and he is really easy to please with meals, also he makes a pretty mean pizza:)

I have had my batiks laid out on my cutting table for a few days and I have decided which ones I am going to use.

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