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Baby got sprayed by a Skunk

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The tomato juice is mostly for non porous surfaces, like fender wells of cars, glass, wood furniture.. etc. not for people or animals. To help the dogs smell better, when a really good remover of scent is not available, put vanilla in their bath water with Dawn soap. Dawn breaks up the oil/grease much better than other soaps... Also don't use warm water to bathe a dog.. barely tepid works best and the animal doesn't mind nearly as much. Heat just magnifies the odor.

Hope this helps someone.. So very glad you got your problem solved, Monika.. it can be very gaging..


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BTDT with our Shepherd/Husky mix. He LOVED the kitties and he had several tomato juice baths. That was before I discovered the recipe posted above. Which I kept for dog #2, a Shepherd Rottweiler mix. But, he never got into a "stunk." We had heard that after the tomato juice, to rinse with a bucket of water with 1/2 cup of ammonia in it, but to avoid the eye area. well, geeze, they always get it right in the face. But, it did help.

I'm certain the skunk-off stuff works better.

now I'm dogless. and not liking it much! :(

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Glad you got the puppy all fixed up!!! And 3% peroxide won't bleach out much! Not hair or fur anyways! Ask me how I know!:P:P

We have been lucky, but I let mt GS out some nights and can smell that they are close around!! She's busy chasing bunnies these nights. Can't catch them, but chases and barks like mad!!

I hope your pup doesn't get into that mess again!!!:P:P

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We have a 'weiner dog' who couldn't seem to learn about skunks when a puppy -- and forgets every now and then now! Have used the peroxide mixture and it definitely helps the most of anything.

The story about the cat and the tomato juice is wonderful - laughed till I had tears!

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I've added this one to my favorites. Every now and then we have an animal that gets skunked. We've always just used Dawn - not too bad, but not great. Next time we'll try the peroxide mix.

What a treasure this group is! Get answers to any question you might ask - quilting, skunks, whatever:-)

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