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NQR - Any Plumbers out there?

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I need to remove the shower head on my shower so I can put up a shower massage on a hose. We just moved into this apartment in October. They change out the shower heads for all new tenents. The Mainentanceman, my neice, and I have all tried to get the old one of but it's on really tight with that white Plumbers tape. it's just not budging! I got the one in the other bathroom changed easily, but not this one. Any ideas? Maybe WD40? Hmmmmmmmmm

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O.K.--used to remodel old houses? If you have enough pipe sticking out put a wrench or hammer on the back side of the pipe just holding it tight to the pipe to absorb the shock of tapping the fitting with another hammer from the other side. Work your way all around the fitting and try it again. Hit hit as hard as you dare not bending or breaking anything--may take a few rounds but it usually shocks the rust and corrosion loose in the pipe and fitting. If this fails, try and use some heat from a hot air gun, hair dryer, carefully with a propane torch--heat and then try and turn it. Sometimes those penetrating oils work too! Just some ideas--grassplumhopper

P.S. Everyone's ideas about the bigger wrench's are true too. If you put one on the pipe and one on the fixture with the handles apart and biting in with about 5-6" of space between them you can get a lot of leverage by placing both your hands on the handles and squeezing the handles together just make sure the wrenches are turning and holding everything in the correct direction.

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Plumbing was part of my job in the Navy and all these suggestions are exactly what we were taught. The tape is teflon, which is very durable not much penetrates it except shear strength. Hopefully, some idiot didn't put "locktight" on the fittings. Let us know, if you got it!!!

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