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Judy Laquidara donations for Joplin survivors--give away

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Judy has posted on her blog offering to collect $25 donations for the Red Cross in Joplin. For each donation, she will put the donor's name in a drawing for one of her personal quilts. Judy was very active on this forum when I started out in 2004 with generous advice and beautiful quilting she freely shared. She has been published several times and is an award-winning quilter. Besides being a prolific blogger--plus a fabulous cook!

Please visit her blog for details.


I am sending a check.

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Sweet! Oh yeah I know Judy Laquidara. I have her on Facebook, too. She's a prolific Facebooker! :)

Along with prayers and many thoughts, I'm sending a check, too. God bless all of those folks in the midwest. I just cannot believe the devastation! Andre said the tornado was a mile wide and Joplin is about the size of my town....wiped out completely... I can't imagine!!!

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I have had the great pleasure of meeting Judy at R2CA. We have been on different forums together. I read her blog first thing every morning. She is a very giving person and this is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to help. (and maybe win a quilt)! Her mailing address is posted on her blog today. This is a great way for us to help those in need.

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