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Log Cabin quilting question

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I am quilting an Orion Star quilt...looks like a log cabin with Ohio Star in the middle. Customer wanted STD which I am doing. The center star I am outlining with same STD and adding a simple four petal flower with curvey line from each petal to side of the square. There is sashing between each block where I am doing a coninuous leaf design. Question is this....Is that enough? Should I be putting something in the strips of the log cabin? I really don't think so but thought I should ask...lol Oh, the quilt is black and white so am using a monofiliment thread with black bobbin. Thanks in advance for you help...again.

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You don't say how big the log cabin blocks are. That would make a difference as to whether the quilting you have planned will be enough. Personally, I would want to put something over the strips of the log cabin, but that depends on how many strips there are, and the size of the blocks.

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