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Lefties and rulers

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I'm not an expert by any means. My ruler work leaves a lot to be desired, but I think I have heard that you should try not to cross the ruler and the machine, because you might accidently run over your hand. So, I think that means you would hold the ruler with your right hand, and try to stay on the right, or right back side of the sewing head. Clear as mud right?:P

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What a great question! Lefties must feel "left out" a lot! Sorry, I couldn't resist;)

Hold the handle with your dominant hand (left, of course) and the ruler in your right hand. Hold your head a bit to the right of the hopping foot so you can see what's happening.

My left-handed and very artistic BIL says the way he learns to do things pictured for right-handers is to set up a mirror to one side to get the correct "view". And I taught my left-handed friend years ago how to crochet with her sitting opposite me and mirroring my movements. Worked like a charm.

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I use my left hand to hold the ruler sometimes and my right hand other times. You should never put the ruler behind the hopping foot, as the little weld on the hopping foot will deflect the ruler, so sometimes it just makes sense to use one hand going one way and the other hand going the other.

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I'm like Anne, I write left handed and do a lot of other things right handed.

I usually run my machine with my left hand, but holding a ruler is more comfortable on the left side too. I need to train myself to run the machine with my right hand, I think it would help me out a lot of ways. I always feel like I want to run from right to left because I can see better, but my machine doesn't like the idea as well.

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