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REVISED VERSION: Preparing Your Quilt Top for the Longarm Quilter

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OK I just printed this out and it looks GREAT! :) In fact I'm going to share it with some of my newbie longarmers here in town. They will appreciate it.

One thing you can add to the end of your hand out is "NO PITA Customers, Puhleeeze!" (just kidding) :D;)

Sandy, here's a thought for more door prizes: Maybe you could throw in a couple of 30% off coupons toward Darlington Longarm Quilting Services? :) People would appreciate your generosity and heck you might even get some more customers too! :cool:

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April...I already made 50 copies of my handout, so I can't add that now. However, it is a great suggestion and I will include that in my "talk" tomorrow night.

Shana...I'm glad your think it will helpful for your newby quilters (and for the problem quilters, too).

I love the idea of handing out coupons as extra door prizes. I will now skip over to "Word" and make up 3 coupons. I love that idea. Thanks!!!

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So...last night was the Round Robin workshop at my Guild. I had about 60 people. All of the feeback was very good; I'm so glad they liked it. Several people commented that they never realized the decisions that went into longarm quilting. I think the biggest shock to people was that most of us prefer our backings loaded so the seams run horizontally; I talked about the "hammock effect." They didn't have a clue about that, although one woman said her longarmer insists on the backing seams running vertically, so I replied that one of the main points that I wanted to make in my lecture was that each person should ask their longarm quilter what he/she prefers and how important the communication is between the customer and the longarmer. Fortunately she got my point rather quickly.

They loved the handout, the batting samples and the door prizes (and the chocolate that I brought).

I only made 50 copies of my handout, so I talked to the Guild president and she OK'd it to go into our Dec newsletter so everyone who didn't get a copy, plus the members who weren't there, could print out their copy.

So again, thank you all for sharing your ideas with me. Oh, and they were impressed that I included all the names of the people who contributed.

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Great job! I have a coupe incidents that caused me to change my take in form. You would not think it would happen but it does. A lady needed it done by Christmas. I bumped her up, called her and 20 days later she finally had the money to pay. I started adding a 5.00 per day storage fee, that begins accumalating 5 days after they are notified. Since doing that I have not had anyone postpone picking up a quilt. jacque

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Oh Sandra and all who contributed to this wonderful document THANK YOU. And thank you for giving us permission to use it.

I am so glad your presentation went well. All of your door prizes and packet hand outs sound wonderful and what a wonderful gift to all the quilters.

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