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Welcome Jan from Oz! What a nice hubby you have and no pressure - you can just quilt for yourself. I know the longarms are big but don't be intimidated. Consider practicing as "play" time and just have fun! Settle down with a warm beverage and read all the great posts on this forum and you will learn so much. We look forward to seeing your handi work sometime in the future. Enjoy!

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Welcome, Jan. I felt the same way you did. When I realized I'd never be able to use it unless I practiced every day for at least 30 minutes, I made really good progress. I had just gotten rid of the old curtains in the house and decided to use them for practice. I just inserted odd fragments of batting in between the material and the backing. If you use a light thread, you can go back and practice again with a dark thread. If you even want to save more, you can just load another top and keep going. We have lots of excellent quilters from Australia and I'm sure you'll be one of them in no time. Don't forget to post pictures of your practice quilts.

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