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how do you handle?

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I've been quilting for about 10 years now, and retired from the Post Office for about 2 and a half years. When I first started quilting I made quilts for a coworker/friend. Infact I made her a double and each of her kids a small size quilt. They were not anything special and infact I probably would not claim them now.....but they were givin with love and free of charge.

Since I retired we haven't spoken much. But yesterday I got an email saying that she saw my blog......and that she has all of these Tshirts she would like to have made into a quilt for her son. And how much would it cost?

I haven't done any quilt construction for pay for 18 months, add to the mix that between the charity and my other quilting customers my days are pretty full.

Truth is somehow I just feel guilty asking her to pay what I would charge anyone else.

So how do you handle these types of requests?

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You are a professional....this is now your "job". Be honest, tell her the actual cost (you are buying a memory), and then offer a discount. If she decides that "it's too much", so be it. I've had several of these situations and I never heard from them again, but you know what? I don't need every job that comes down the pike. The ones I've done have Been beautiful and much appreciated and paid for! The guilt is normal but when you deal with it in a Professional manner, the guilt will disappear. And a tshirt quilt is no small undertaking. You deserve to be compensated for your time and effort.

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You two have not been in contact much. It sounds like it's a situation of out of sight out of mind, until she wants another free job, and she is putting out the feelers. She may just want at least a greatly reduced price.

You could tell her you are so busy you just can't fit her in and that you will have to refer her to someone else that can more meet her needs. Which is true.

There's nothing to feel guilty about.. you are the business owner and no doubt are busy..

Praying for a good conscience and outcome good for you.

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Double ditto!;)

To help ease the way, tell her all that you told us--that you haven't done any ground-up construction of quilts for 18 months (true) and no longer have the time or inclination to offer that in your business. So sorry, but so nice to hear from you after such a long time. All true of course! Sticky situation, but since you were "work friends" the pang of guilt will pass.

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