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Is it difficult to ship an Ultimate 1 wooden table? Does the Ult 1 fit on a metal table?

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I have a friend interested in buying an Ult 1 located in the L48 and was wondering about shipping the original wooden table. Is the wooden table a PITA to ship?

Here's another question: If she were to only buy the head, is there another (more modern) metal frame table that the Ult 1 will fit on?

Thanks for any help you can give me!! :)

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I think she will need a different carriage or maybe she can upgrade the wheels to the horizonal orientation. You've reached the end of my knowledge!!!! Call Tony or MarkyMark at APQS to be absolutely sure before she does anything. APQS can tell all about her machine if you have the Serial number.

Good luck.

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Shana: I have an Ult2 with a wooden table. I had it shipped from FL to TX when I bought it. I don't think it cost me any more than if I would have had a steel table. That being said, FL to TX is not l48 to AK. I completely rebuilt my table. Four rollers. power lift, batting access. I find nothing wrong with the wooden table. In fact I think they are stiffer than the steel ones. If your friend is handy, or knows someone who fabricates, I would consider having all the parts shipped to me but the wooden table. The wooden replacement part is relatively easy to build. In fact I wish I had replaced mine. APQS made a mistake with the cut out for the switch which compromised the table stiffness. They used a third leg to compensate, I eliminated the third leg because it's easier to level 4 posts than 6, and had to reinforce the table. If your friend decides to go this route make sure she has the seller remove the aluminum angle tracks from the wooden table and ship them with the other parts. I find nothing at all disagreeable about the vertical wheels. In fact as I read the posts of others, it seems to me that the horizontal wheel system is more problematic. I do have Edgerider wheels, and would urge anyone to replace the originals with after market wheels. It would be a lot less costly to rebuild the original table than to buy a new one. Just my thoughts. Jim

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Hi Shana, didn't get your email. :( Anyway this U-I head will go on a newer style Milli table frame. All that is needed are the newer axles for the wheels to go on the U-I head and remove the old ones that are on there now for the wood table and it is done! You can call Dawn or Amy to get the parts and pricing. Really simple to do!! :)

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