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Need advice

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So I teach a small group of 4-6 ladies twice a month. we do both a BOM and a UFO class. 4 of them including the one I need advice about have been coming for over two years. I have a always had a strict rule about kids in class. So back in Dec this ladies daughter had a baby, had money issures and had to return to work. Grandma started baby sitting and ask if i would allow her to bring the newborn. I discussed it with the others and we all felt a newborn would not be an issue. I said it was fine as long as it was temporary. she assured me it would only be once in a while. Well the baby is now 4 months old and is starting to be a distraction ( he is sooo cute and everyone ohhhs and ahhhs and he needs care). No one has complained. So last month I mentioned that he was getting older and as soon as he was not content in his seat that she would have to decide on a different option. she told me her hubby had just retired so he would be able to "watch" the baby and everything would work out fine. I DID NOT KNOW SHE MEANT AT MY HOUSE DURING CLASS!

So how do I do this without getting her mad? She is a great customer, a very good student and keeps our local quilt shop in business, but.... What do you think? Should I say something

or let it ride? Jacque

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Cover her with sugar! Ooze all over her. Write her a note--no face-to-face--and let her know...

--that her grandson is a sweetie, beautiful, the best baby in the world, and hard to resist.

--that she is the best mom in the world to help out her family like she does.

--that it's apparent that the sweet babe is a wonderful distraction and will continue to be so as he gets older/bigger/more distracting.

So (*sigh*) in fairness to all participants, you must re-inforce the rule that no children will be allowed at the classes.

Tell her you know that her DH will be OK at home with the sweet tyke--and what a nice way for the two "men" to bond and give the gramma a breather twice a month.

Then enclose a fat quarter or needle case to show you still love her and don't want her to leave the group.

Bat your eyelashes a bit (figuratively speaking) and my thought is if she gets offended, well, you tried very nicely.

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Always Linda gives the best advice. When I encounter a difficult situation that might cause some uncomfortable discussions, I try to put myself in their shoes and just talk with them respectfully, calmly about the situation.

Or plan B: Pull out the singer featherweight and tell her either the baby needs to start sewing lessons on it now, or the baby needs to go hang with grandpa at home. ;):D:cool:

Humor and laughter sometimes help lighten the situation, too.

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She probably didn't feel comfortable leaving the baby alone with her husband, or he didn't like the idea. But when you change the rule for one, then others will expect the same consideration. When she misses everyone she'll find other arrangements.

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Ahh sorry she quit. Maybe she just needs time to figure things out with the baby situation. Anyway tell her the door is always open and welcome for her to come back when she's ready. Maybe you all can send her a card and sign it telling her how much you miss having her around. :) She might like that!

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