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my bliss rails have arrived!/FOQ query

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Yep, they came this week! I am so looking forward to getting them fitted -but alas will have to wait until September as I am flying to the UK in a week's time for a few weeks holiday. Whilst I am there, I am going to the Birmingham Festival Of Quilts. Does anyone know if there is going to be an APQS stand at the show? I will keep my eyes open - would love to meet others from the forum who happen to be there.

And when I return home to Oz, I can look forward to using my Bliss rails!

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Hi Lyn, I too am very happy my Bliss system is here safely by sea (a few weeks now). However it is on the floor in front of my machine until I get the computerised side sorted (need to upgrade that system or make a complete change).

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Linzi - thanks for the info, will catch up with you at the show. I will be there for all four days, so will have lots of time to see everything.

Lyn, I think we only waited for about 8 weeks, which isn't too long. Just got to wait until I get back from the UK to get it fitted! I am hoping the system will make quilting a bit less tiring. After having a frozen shoulder a while ago, I seem to tire easily.

Rowena - Hi - are you going to Adelaide this year?

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How exciting! Getting Blissed! Congratulations. Going on Holiday and knowing you have Bliss to return to, how much better does it get?

It sounds like you have a wonderful holiday planned. Have fun at the quilt show and take some time to rest up and pamper yourself.

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Originally posted by Janette

I'll be there to try a blissed Lucey then ....:)


I wud love a blised Lucey but wud need to get rid of the Lenni.....only done 1 quilt on this head...... life has got in the way with grandchildren and chimneys crashing thru roofs etc........

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