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dark threads make me crazy ... is is just me?

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Some dark threads don't want to give me the same pretty look in stitch definition as the lighter threads do, no matter how much time I spend tweaking. I can get a perfect stitch, but it just doesn't look as nice as a lighter thread. It has happened to me with multiple types of thread, Isacord, Omni, So Fine, Signature, King Tut.

Does anyone else have this problem? I'm not sure if it's just a problem for me or if it's a common thing?

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I think a lot of this "not pretty look" has to do with the starkness of the dark thread against a lighter background. I found that the dark thread/light background just grated on me terribly. I could see every wobble, every hitch ... and the same goes for a light thread against a dark background. So I've come up with several work-arounds. If most of the quilt top is 'dark', like some moda's or CW, then I'll find a neutral, maybe a gold that works. For instance, on a RED/WHITE/BLUE quilt, I've trained myself to look at a grey-blue thread - one that doesn't stand up and shout on any of the colors. it looks good across the stark white, looks good on the red and on the blue. I have also found that there are several "gold" selections both in SoFine and in Glide thread that looks tremendous on lots of multi-color, darkish, think batiks ... quilts. I will only use those dark (or light) colors when I have a pretty good size border in that particular dark (or light). I know what you are experiencing, so it's not just you ...

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I find the problem with dark thread is that it can't get any darker when it goes in and out of the shadow of the needle hole. Lighter threads look darker in the shadow and lighter on top. It gives the stitch a much more defined look. Personally, I like the space between my stitches as much as the stitch itself therefore I rarely use dark coloured threads.

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Matt I think you hit the nail on the head as that is exactly the problem, the shadowing isn't there to make the thread look right. It never dawned on me that is what it was, but it is! I have been fretting over this for a long time and thought it was me or my machine or I wasn't doing something right. Thanks for defining it for me!!

Meg, I bet that is why you like the results better with Glide, because there's a shiny spot and then it kinda disappears in the hole and creates that "shadow." I haven't had any problems with Glide, either!

Sue and Mille2010, I hate to cheer a negative, but I'm sooo glad it is not just me! LOL

I'm planning on adding a new thread to my line this year, have fiddled with the dark ones in the line and just don't like them the same as the light ones, so now that i know it is not just me or that I need to do something different, I'm placing my order and am staying towards the lighter colors.

Thanks guys for the help :)

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