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Had a quilt shop call and ask if I could quilt a 136" x 136" quilt. I have a Millenium with 14' frame. I am an IQ computerized quilter. Any thoughts or comments on how this might be accomplished using IQ? Or if its even possible to get that much between take up bar and leveler bar. I would not consider using anything but QD Select loft batting.

Thanks for any replies

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I wouldn't think you'd have a problem with the quilt fitting on the take-up bar. I have quilted many quilts over 120 inches, and it isn;t even close to running out of room with QD select.

Somebody else will have to address the IQ question, though.

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Remember that as you roll the quilt after finishing a quilted area, the depth will shorten as the finished quilt takes ups more and more space. If you are using a large pattern - say 17 inch panto, by the time you get 3/4 of the way through the quilt you might not have enough space to quilt the entire pattern.

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I have an IQ and I have quilted 142" wide. You have to move that stop that you get with IQ over on your table. You do loose a few inches with IQ motors. The biggest problem is that you are just a bit past the canvases so you have to figure out what to attach to. I pinned on some fabric onto the canvases at the beginning and then as I got a bit rolled up I just used my side clamps. Have fun!

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