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Wanting to Start a Website for my Longarm Business

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I know several of you have your own websites.  I have been looking but I am extremely confused about what I really need and who to go with.  I was hoping you could share with me what companies you use, so I can narrow the search.  Any assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated.  I offer long arm services as well as licensed products for sale.  Not sure what I need or where to start and I don't want to spend an arm and a leg.



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Shirley, I set up a basic website using Go Daddy and their Website Tonight application. Their basic Website Tonight plan gives you 5 pages for your site. I have a home page, a pricing & tips page, a special offers page, a photo gallery page, and a contact page...that's all I really needed for now. There are costs associated with the domain name you choose, and hosting the site. I pay by the year and it is under $100. If I ever become a famous quilter (not likely...LOL) I would probably have a site professionally developed but for right now Go Daddy works for me. I do have to say that I probably don't keep the site updated with current photos as I should but I kind of forget about it. If I were doing more customer quilts then I would probably be better in updating. Go Daddy does have help screens and tutorials that are helpful and when I first got started their customer service reps were very helpful. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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I had a web site my brother set up for me. I wanted him to put a visitor counter on it for me so I could see how many visitors I had. He never got around to it but I would highly recommend it. No one ever said that they found me from my web site. I finally took it down. My best advertising is word of mouth , guild show and tells, and quilt shops. I did put my business in the yellow pages and got a few customers that way.

The web viewer counter will tell you if the investment of time and money in your web site is worth the money. You can also ask your customers how they heard of you to see where your advertising money does the most good,

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