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damaged my hook assembly

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Caught a rag in the hook assembly when cleaning it.  Removed the rag with care, but the hook asssembly won't rotate freely--gets caught on the hook retaining finger. Should I attempt to retime or send it in because I may have bent something? Am new to the machine and rather worried I will wreck stuff.


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Please call APQS first thing in the morning. Someone there will walk you through checking things out to define the problem. They are VERY patient and can many times diagnose the problem over the phone. It sounds like you may need to just retime the machine. It's scary the first time, but once you've done it, you know it isn't so scary after all! :D

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did the hook retaining finger get bent? It's unusual that the finger would obstruct the hook's rotation. However, it's possible that a gear in the gearbox lost a tooth during the unfortunate rag incident. (I've had one of those myself...I totally can relate!) To find out if the gear is the problem, loosen the hook retaining finger and slide it back away from the hook, or remove it completely. Then try rotating the fly wheel manually by hand to see if the hook makes a full rotation.


If it does, then you've got something jammed in the assembly itself (if you had broken a needle it could be a needle tip; in this case it would be a piece of cloth lodged somewhere.) If it doesn't rotate freely without the hook finger in place, then unfortunately one of the gears has probably lost a tooth. It's possible to replace the gear yourself if it turns out to be that, so don't panic. Give us a call when you can be by the machine and we can help diagnose it together if necessary.


And as Lyn suggested, check out the link and the Timing Video (found on the website tab "Service and Support--Instructional Videos" for more info.

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Welcome to the club. A lot of us have done it. I had to replace my hook assembly. Give them a call and they will walk you thrum finding your problem. Believe it or not you can fix most problems on your machine without sending it in. You didn't say where you live but maybe there is someone close for moral support if not we are here.


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I did the exact same thing when my millie was a month old!  Fortunately, I only blew a fuse and knocked it out of timing.  Hopefully, you didn't knock a tooth out of a gear.  Amy is great over the phone to help you figure it out.  We all have stories like this! B)  Most things are not that difficult to fix or replace a part yourself.  Just scary the first time!

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Thanks for all the great input. Watched the video--everyone should see it-takes the fear away from tinkering with the machine. Wound up that the hook finger had been knocked around. Put hook finger in right spot and sews great. BUT, when I try to put bobbin assembly back in, I have to put in the bobbin and then the bobbin case separately, But it sews fine. Any thoughts?

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Bobbin and case were not in the machine at the time of the rag accident. Each piece seems fine and the bobbin fits into the case fine. Tried a different bobbin in the case and could not get it in into the hook assembly as a unit. Right now I thread the bobbin, take it partially out of the bobbin case. Then I put the bobbin in the hook assembly, then, I put the bobbin case in the hook assembly with a little jiggle, and it sews fine!! Just can't get bobbin and the case to go in as a unit. Tried with two different bobbins and had the same problem. Once bobbin and case are in place, my stitches are fine. Any thoughts?

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It's possible that the rag incident damaged the bobbin center post or the bobbin basket, making it slightly out of round. As long as it's sewing OK, then you'll have to re-train how to put a bobbin in. :) But I think it would be prudent to order a "back up" hook assembly at some point, in case there's additional hidden damage that crops up after you get the machine hopping again.

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