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Thread breaking

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I am new at this long arm quilting....... Millie is new to me but a 2008.  I am trying to learn and practice.  My problem is the top thread keeps breaking.  I had practiced a few days ago and didn't have the problem, now after about 12 inches, the thread breaks!  I put a new needle in.  What else should I try?

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Did you try a different thread?  Maybe it's a bad batch or too weak of a thread?  Correct size needle for the thread?


Did you rethread the machine and bobbin?


Check to be sure the needle is in right?  Dawn C. here on the board suggested putting a pin through the eye of the needle when you're changing needles to be sure it's aligned right.  BEST advice ever!!   ;)


I'm a newbie too but those are the things I usually check and then I come back here if it doesn't help.   :)  There are lots of ladies on here who can pull a machine apart and put it together blindfolded!  Hehehe :)


Oh, and also I had a lot of skipped stitches when my quilt sandwich was pulled too tight, that's another thing to check!   :)


(Do you think I added enough smilies?  LOL***)

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Check the pigtails for grooves.  Hold the thread above and below the pigtail  taught and move the thread in a circular motion around the inside of the pigtail.  You will feel it catch at the worn part.  If you have a magnifying glass or real good eyesight you might be able to see the groove.  If you have a groove and you don't have spares loosen the screw and rotate the pigtail so it is upside down.  This will get you by for months, then you can order them and any other spare parts you may need.  Amy put together a pretty good package of regular parts that wear out for us a couple of years ago.


Also, back to basics loosen the top tension and see if that stops the breaking.




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Have you put too many layers on your sandwich?  I once had thread breaking all the time during practice and found I had tired to use my practice piece too long.  I would just put another piece of muslin over the old stitching and start again.  When I threw that one away and started fresh the problem was solved. It will end up being something simple; you'll see! 

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  Thank you to everyone for responding so quickly!  I rethreaded my machine and that corrected my problem.  And I am excited because some of my "practice" is looking pretty good!  I am just meandering, but am working on keeping consistent.  Thanks again for being there!

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