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I've got this small (45 x 45 inch) quilt on my frame. The big white section is done in a thick, two strand red thread. I wouldn't say it is called redwork but obviously it is red and it is work, so redwork?  I'm hoping you can see by the picture that while the thread is attached with a hand stitch, it's MUCH bigger than your regular redwork and kinda sits on top of the quilt, standing up a taller than usual.


The question is what to do for quilting??? We won't be quilting over the redwork. There's not a lot of white area in between each design, and then there's some open areas IN the design. Should I quilt in there, too? 


I so appreciate the support you gals (and guys!!) give on this list and could really use your input. This one needs to get of the frame. My customer called about it the other day and I had just gotten it on the frame. There was no pressure but I feel like such a dork for  having it on the frame for more than two days. LOL


Oh, and should I quilt in the white area of the pinwheel or just leave as is?


Thank you, thank you, thank you. Big hugs in advance for any help!!!




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I think it depends on how big the pinwheel is.  I think just a little curlique from the center of the block would be cute.


On the redwork I would loosly outline, not perfect not sloppy, if that makes sense.  Then I would do a small, not tiny meander. I think it would really set the embroidery off, and not smother the background.  Not the easiest thing when working with outlines.  Another thing Heidi m would suggest, or so I think, would be to use a meandering feather.. Again, I think it depends on the size.


I think you could also use a small feather in the pinwheel white areas.    Another thought on the pinwheel is to use cc's as you have in the dark area, then stitch a curlique in the middle of the big  side.  I think I wouldn't try to curlique each cc, it would smother the design you are putting in.


Geesh, What set me off.  
It looks like you have a pretty quilt job on what you've done so far.


Continue the great work!!




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Kristina, you've confirmed what I've been thinking. I've been waiting for the quilting fairies to finish it for me while I sleep.


Would you outline the redwork at all or just try to keep a constant distance between the background fill and the redwork? I'm thinking 1/8 inch or 1/4 inch away?


I feel like the kid who doesn't want to do her homework and BE DONE with it ... memories of my daughter when she would have to write an English paper come to mind.

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Thanks, Rita!! We were typing at the same time! I like the suggestions for the background fill and white triangles but am on the fence about outlining the red work as it's so open of a design (the grassy parts). I'm wondering what others think about outlining??? I'm taking votes. LOL Yes, no?

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The white in the pinwheels need something (simple curlicue?) and I think the area in the "redwork zone" needs some background filler.  You can do it...now get in there and finish that thing up so you can take it off your frame.  :D

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Thank you, ladies! I won't be outlining. I'm just not "feeling" that with this quilt and it makes me nervous just THINKING about it. LOL Charlotte, I'm sorry the outlining didn't work for you but I'm glad you mentioned it. 


I am going to do something in the white triangle of the pinwheel, maybe a curlique thingy like Rita and Oma suggest. 


Oma, thanks for the kick in the pants. I needed it ... and you are so close in distance that I almost felt it.  :P


I'll post pictures when I'm done. It won't be today, that's for sure!

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I would add some line dancing of some type in the pinwheel, or just echo the shape inside the white triangle, just to tack it down. Then I'd do a meander or something similarly non-fussy behind the redwork, but I wouldn't outline it. I'd be afraid it would look even bigger than it is.

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