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Sometimes you just have to give some lovin'

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Last night I was looking forward to having a few hours to piece a new quilt before hubby got home from work and while youngest child was at work. I sewed for about half an hour and here comes my cat doing her best to get my attention. Mind you, I have sewn with her laying on my lap before. After trying to ignore her and not getting anything accomplished, I finally got up and stretched out on the sofa with a flannel quilt and here comes Sophie. She immediately stretches out on my lap and starts purring. All she wanted was a little loving. There will always be a quilt I want to work on, but my kids, pets and hubby won't always be here. Sometimes you just need to put projects aside and enjoy the moment

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Me too. My little rescued Chihuahua, Scoutie, sits by me at all times. She is always in my way but I work around her, or put my work down and cuddle with her. One of my rescued cats sits on the back of the loveseat and taps me on the shoulder to be petted. It tooks months to get her to trust me, due to her previous situation, so I always oblige. One of my other rescued cats sits on my end table and meows until I pet her. She knocks all my stuff down and walks across my computer keyboard. Sometimes I need 3 or more hands. So I just put my work down and pet everyone I can, alternating between them. Oh, and another rescued cat sits on the loveseat next to me and wants to be petted, too. Every animal in my house is rescued. (I am a reg. vet tech.) and I am careful to love on each one each day.

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smiling.....my cairn boy Skeeter loves to supervise when I am stitching on my DSM.  He will come up and paw at me until I pick him up and place him on my sewing cabinet...then he sniffs at everything....then lies down and watches the needle go up and down for a while and then just snoozes.  He is 11 now...but has done this since he was a pup....he used to take a bit longer checking everything out before the snooze though  :)  I think he secretly dreams of being a cat.  Lin

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My Burmese cat, Indiana Jones, aka Indy, gets my attention when I'm working on Millie by jumping to my shoulders from the back.  It's really hard to catch him when I don't know he's coming.  At that point I have to stop and give him some loving because if I don't support him he sticks his little claws in my back.  He also likes to stand in my lap when I'm working at my DSM. He makes a better door than a window. Somedays I can't get anything done!

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Long ago my dog Happy would insist on sitting on my lap while I sewed.  She was almost jealous of my machine and the attention I gave it.  She died in Oct of 2000.  Jump ahead to now.  Bonnie Blue Blissett now begs to sit on my lap while I sew.  I can't allow it, however, because she insists on being petted the entire time.  She will actually stand in my lap and put her face in front of my face so I can not see, the little stinker! 

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Dave, I started looking about 18 months ago just to see what was out there.  I like to research the breads so I know personality traits, growth rates, physical problems, and such.   I only did this cause Daisy is 13 and Champ is 10 and I didn't want to be left with grief and nothing to love on in the months to come. (And I love puppy breath)  Well, this is a dangerous policy- this just shopping online stuff.  One day I was searching along and up popped a picture of my Bonnie.  Well, I had to have her!  She couldn't live with another Mom!  We drove 6 hours one way and got her about 2 days later.  So glad we did.  She is  a precious girl! 

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