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Oh my, I was at a quilt retreat for 3.5 days and it was really fun.  Re-entry was particularly tough, but they always are anyway.


First question:  What do you tell your clients who ask to see your quilting machine?  Do you let them?  I've read that most people don't.  This just happened last night and I didn't really know what to say so I asked her if it could wait until she picked up her quilt.  I don't have a pretty area at all...it's in the unfinished part of the basement.  I don't really mind people seeiing the machine but I don't want them to walk away with the idea that I'm not professional in any way.


Second question:  This quilt has a flange and she wants a piano key border.  Is it ok to SID at the edge of the flange in a color that matches or should I press the final border to the inside so that it's easier to SID on the edge of the border?  The flange is sage green and the border is black.


Thank you,


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Joan, I am a newbie and can't really give you a professional opinion, but I would think that a customer would understand that such a large machine would most likely be in the basement, or an unfinished part of the house. I think if it was me I would just try to clean up the area as much as possible and perhaps decorate it a little so it looks like a "shop."  Maybe hang a quilt or two.  If she sees that the area is clean and her quilt will be treated well, she should be satisfied.  My machine is a sit down model and I managed to cram it into my sewing room.  lol   As far as the stitching on the border, I can't answer that but will be interested in the replies of others.  Would love to see a picture when you are done!

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You can ditch at the stitched down side where it attached to the border. As far as showing the machine I used to be hesitant, I would say that your studio is on the list to be finished but it hasn't made it to the top of the list yet, so if you don't mind seeing a room still in design and unfinished you are welcome to. In my case I add, if you don't mind my creative mess. I still have the ceiling to finish. Most people are just curious and can't comprehend how big it is. Once they see they usually understand.


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My studio is the place I do intake so they see it all.

But if my space wasn't arranged for company I wouldn't hesitate to refuse the request. Customer are curious, but they know what a longarm looks like! The guy who works on your car wouldn't let you into the work area, no matter how curious you were.


If I was faced with this I'd play the "insurance card" or else put them down for an invitation to an "open house" scheduled for some indeterminate time in the future. If/when you get several customers on the list, invite them to see your work space. They'll feel more connected to you and it'll give you a reason to spiff up the work space. But don't do it if you don't want to.

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I'm with Sylvia, anyone can see it if they want.

I'm a messy worker....it's who I am...take it or leave it.

I try to keep the rest of my house tidy.

I deserve a 'creative, free from rules space.'

But only a select few are allowed to touch!

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