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Warning points?

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I do not post very often, but I did respond to someone the other day, and when I went back to read the rest of the string, I noticed something in my status line that no one else seems to have listed. Under my name and number of posts, it says I have 0 warning points. What the heck does that mean? I scrolled all the other responses and nobody is flagged with that, so I am wondering what I did to have that on my "byline"

Anyone able to clue me in?


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You can only see your own warning points.  If you post something against the rules of the forum you may get a warning from the moderators and a warning point.  Collect enough warning points and you could get kicked off the forum.  I haven't heard of anyone getting kicked out of here but I've seen it in other forums.  Everyone here seems to be quite civil.



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