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A dedicated fabric shopper!

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Only a truly dedicated fabric shopper would go on a 79 mile bicycle ride (over McKenzie pass, elevation 5325') then stop at the quilt shop and buy fabric.  My plan was to get one fat quarter to use as a handkerchief on my head to keep the sweat out of my eyes.  Then I found fabric with a bike theme!  Only 3 FQ, and telling myself "You have to carry this!  You can't get more, you have to carry this!"  Made the brother carry the rest of the food snacks since my pockets were full of fabric.  Now it will get carefully washed, dried, ironed, folded and put away.  Someday it will be taken out, petted and used to remind me of the lovely ride that we did together.  Maybe someday I'll even put it in a quilt!

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A fun time with memories for you and your brother!  I have a friend who, in the most kind and genteel manner, would call you a true quilt slut.


A while back I had to take DH to the ER and before I would leave town to drive him home from the hospital I told him that I HAD to go to the quilt shop to get something.  After all, town is 75 miles away and I can't just run down to the shop any time!  My friend declared I was a quilt slut.  :rolleyes:


You HAD to get that bike themed fabric, after all, you may never see it again!

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Aren't you going to show us your fabrics?

I saw some really cute bike fabric recently .... thought about buying some to make something for my DH, who was quite a serious bicyclist about 30 years ago! .... but it was pink and gray, not really his colors.

Now I can send some to you!

Great story,


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The quilt show is on now? I thought it was later in the year! I also thought it was farther than 79 miles as I almost guessed that!

We re heading home Friday probably so maybe we can get there...we are Airstream free so we might be able to fit!

It is a fun shop!

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