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Occasional tension glitch

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My machine has picked a perfect tim to have an issue and I can't seem to fix it. Infact it seems to be getting worse. Every so often the top tension seems to drop then correct itself. It started doing this very rarely but had worked up to about every 15-20 inches of stitching. Usually the problem is over 3 stitches (and very hard to photograph) but it has just done it twice on single stitches as shown. Of course this is a quilt I am planning on showing, and I have accepted it will have this fault and be entered anyway. I would like to fix it though before a ruin another quilt. Any ideas?



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Eeek, looking at your stitching that enlarged is rather horrible, it really doesn't look that uneaven at normal size. I though I had cropped and reduced this image enough to fit sorry.

However looking at it at this scale I can see the tension is varing more often thatn I thought. There are no spots on the back at all (there will be when I shuffle the glitch I suspect). The machine was cleaned and oiled just before starting this quilt and had a new needle. The fabric is cotton satteen if that is likely to make a difference? The thread is cotton Tanne by Madiera, I use it a lot and don't normally have a problem.

This problem is showing up on the more sane scale quilting too, at different speeds and in different areas of the design. At one point I thought it was related to cornering and changing speed, then it started happening while I was doing ruler work where I think I am pretty steady.


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when it skips like this there are loops underneath, the top tension does just drop. It seems to be speed related. If I run the machine *VERY* slowly then it doesn't do it. I will try threading slightly differently and see if that makes the thread run smoother and thus evens out the tension.



PS. If you see this quilt in a show no looking at the back OK :)

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Hi Ferret,

I wouldn't call that a skip stitch as we would with a timing problem. It is making a loop on top and then you said it is pulling or looping on the bottom as well. It looks like some of the other stitches are on the verge of doing the same thing, they look loose to me. Try tightening your upper tension a good 1/2 turn and see what that does for you. Let us know what happens.

Take care,

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I can tighten the top tension enough to bring the bobbin thread to the top and still get this effect. I've cleaned the tension disks and threaded to use more of the three hole guide (Myrna and I found my machien is usally happier using less of them. It has improved it somewhat but I am still getting it occasionally. Going really slowly definately helps a lot.


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I was having a similar problem whenever I used Rainbows thread on top. It was like the top tension was suddenly very loose for 1-2 stitches and then back to normal. I started using a thread net over the cone whenever I use Rainbows and the problem has disappeared.


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I was having this problem occasionally too. I looped a piece of polyester batting over the first guide thread guide loop, and this seems to have resolved the problem.

Let us know if any of these suggestions work for you.

BTW, I hand stitched that little loop of batting so it would stay.

Sue K.

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I get alot of static with this kind of thread, I also use the poly batting on the thread guide over the cone, and a few drosp of Sewer's Aid on the thread cone. And that slippery stuff needs a good twist tighter than you think on the top. I tighten until I can see the bobbin thread starting to pop up, and then I back off a 1/4 turn.

Good luck, I use alot of embroidery thread and have had my share of trouble...........

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There are several ways to increase the top tension without using the tension knob.

A thread net will even out the thread feeding to the first 3-hole,

as will a piece of batting in the first thread guide. You can also thread every hole in both three hole guides.

Then adjust the tension knob. Those poly threads are slippery and need as

much control as you can provide before they get to the needle. I run the top tension

pretty loose after I corral the poly threads into submission!!

I had a terrible problem with top loops and breakage just under the needle with

King Tut and after checking everything--checking for burrs, changing needles, tweaking

tension, swapping thread cones,yada yada yada--- I carefully loosened the

hook-retaining finger and nudged it out a tiny, tiny bit.

OMG--no more breakage or loops and that Tut just purrs through my machine.

I guess the thicker thread was somehow catching and finally breaking down below.

Hope this helps--I'm estatic over the results! BTW, I started having this problem after

re-timing. Make sure the retaining finger still retains as it should--that is, it keeps the

bobbin assembly from rotating.

Have a great time and keep those creative juices flowing, Ferret.

I love to see your innovative work!

Linda Rech

Washington State USA

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The Tanne is a cotton thread, but the wadding in the first guid sounds like a sensible next step. WOuld you believe it just did its best tension when I have put the wrong colour in the wrong space. typical. I have half of the error picked out but I needed a break.



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Well, I've cleaned, I;ve tightened, ive added wadding I've fussed with the threading path. It's better but not perfect, and you know what, I am going to accept thta is just rhe way this quilt will be. Frankly I have chosen to do something that will show up every problemgoing, mine or the machines, and we have issues. I am going to enter the quilt in shows anyway. Maybe it will encourge others :) I am loving how it looks from the front overall, we just won't look too closely or at the back, OK?

Thanks for all the help,


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Hi Ferret (Mark)

I'd tighten the top tension slightly but also just looking at the photo it seems to me that the thread is not feeding into the needle at the correct angle - it seems to be coming down diagonally. Now this could just be the angle the photo was taken at I suppose.

Do you have a pigtail thread guide vertically above the needle as well as the one on the front tension side. It seems to me that the thread is bypassing the one vertically above. (what do you think Mark)

Good luck

Sue in Australia

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