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I don't have quilt path so I am no help there - but I can tell you my experience with So Fine...I can usually use a 4.0 but Superior Threads recommends 3.5 (with So Fine #50)...


Batik on the other hand...definitely test a spot off to the side to test tension and see how it stitches.  I always recommend that clients who have batik tops send me try not to send a batik backing...I don't usually have tension issues so much as thread and needle breakage.  I will tell folks, "you can send it, but be prepared with an alternative if it doesn't quilt well".  


Good luck!

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Just quilted one and it was awful. I tried using Glide and Magnifico. The 4.0 needle sounded like machine gun fire. Not good. Skipped stitches...It was terrible. Went down to a 3.5 needle and SoFine and got it done. Some tension issues, but not much frogging. I even washed her backing fabric before loading it. Never agaiin. Didn't make any $$ because of all the hassle.

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