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The APQS Family is the best!

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I just returned from Iowa where I was treated like royalty by the staff at the APQS Showroom in Des Moines and the APQS factory at Carroll. I'm in awe at the opportunities and training provided for us by Tony, Dawn, Amy, Angie, Mike and others. I personally saw the care, craftsmanship and quality that goes into APQS machines. From engineering and the birthing room through calibrating stitch length to packaging for shipping, from sales and accounting to repairs, I experienced good people who were obviously loved and valued by the company they work for.

While in Des Moines I had the opportunity to audit a Beginner and Advanced Beginner class taught by Dawn. She is an awesome teacher! If you ever have an opportunity to take a class from her, I highly recommend it. Everyone, including dealers who were able to audit the classes, left with resources and a better understanding of achieving that perfect stitch quality that APQS machines can provide.

While in Carroll, Dawn and Amy gave us an understanding of the parts and repair of current and vintage machines and Quilt Path. They taught us the tricks of the trade as we were guided through trouble shooting and repairing or replacing the needle bar and bushings, changing out the hopping foot, rocker assembly, hook assembly, cleaning the drive shaft, circuit boards, motor armature and replacing the motor brushes, changing out washers and adjusting the thread cutter, cleaning and packing the gear box and timing, timing and timing machines. And that's not a complete list!

Mike, APQS engineer and inventor of the M&M wheels we all love, taught us about the electrical components and protecting our machines from fluctuation in power supply.

Everyone was so generous with their time, resources and an abundant supply of chocolate! It was truly a privilege experience!

With no time for sight seeing, I may just need to make another trip to Iowa!

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I totally agree with Heidi!!  We were indeed treated like royalty!  But I think I left my brain in a puddle on the factory floor on Saturday afternoon..... And there's a test coming!! :o


Whether you're an owner or an APQS representative, if you get the opportunity to attend classes in Iowa, it's worth dropping everything to get there!  I've been selling and servicing APQS machines for seven years, and I learned so many things this past week....


Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dawn, Amy, and Angie (our primary APQS "angels") for everything you did for us during our visit!!! :P :P :P :P And thank you, APQS, for the opportunity!! ;)

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Ditto ditto ditto!!! Everything Heidi and Barb said was true for me as well.  I've actually already used information I learned twice since I've been home in troubleshooting customer issue over the phone.  Only a minor adjustment was needed... happy dealer... happy customer!


Enjoyed meeting new friends from across the country and loved getting to know the APQS staff.  (I know the AP stands for American Professional, but it could easily stand for AWESOME PEOPLE as well!)

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