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Help with Red Snappers

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Need alittle help.  I am trying to install Red Snappers on my 12' Lucy and am making it way more difficult than it needs to be.  My question is does it matter which way the

pick up leader canvas rolls onto the bar?  Standing in the front of the machine my canvas falls to the back.  I wanted to attach two 60" tape measures across the top but

that won't work, wrong direction to sew it down, I would have to attach it on the under side.  I've seen videos on YouTube where the pick up bar canvas falls off the roller to

the front.  Does it matter??

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I wouldn't think it would matter which way the canvas rolls.  You need to sew a sleeve in the leaders to put the rods in.  Then you slip the red rods in.  It sounds like you are trying to do two different things? install red snappers and tape measures?

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Thanks, I was making the process much harder than it was.  The snappers are on and I will be loading practice fabric today to play. I'll play with the tape measures later if I still think

they are a good idea.  They go across the length of the canvas just above the rod on the canvas to help in getting your fabric all lined up straight.  Still fumbling around trying to learn

but I'm determined to get there!

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1030:  Pin on a piece of fabric the width of your leaders to the backer leader.  Then pin to the take up leader about 3" up on it.  Fold the leader over and pin it down, then using your horizontal channel lock, stitch along the leader edge to form the pocket.  Go through the same process for the other two leaders.  Pretty easy to do.  Good luck.  Jim

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June, see the pic of my Red Snappers with the tape measure. All you need to do is find the middle 0 mark and then stitch your tape measures out from there. I found the kind that measure from 0 out both sides at JoAnn's. Originally, I had two tape measures and sewed the left one on upside down so the beginning was at the 0 mark. They can stretch a bit when you stitch them on; just go very slow and longer stitches are best.  This is only the one end from a photo I took for having both Zippers and Red Snappers, but it shows you where the tape goes.


14181692054_6743c7f275.jpg2014-05-13 19.08.47 by Lisa C., on Flickr

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I will look for them next time I take a trip to Joann's.  I think I will put them on but wanted to take a break after sewing the pockets on for the red snapper rods.  Had them measured out just fine,

but had a time trying to get them sewed on straight.  Even with the channel locks on it was difficult to try to get a straight line.  I don't have the expanded base yet, I think that would have helped

a lot.  Figured I could always resew when I get one if it bothers me by then.  Thanks for the picture!!


For the pocket, I just measured and marked right on the canvas  2-lines 3/4 inch apart then folded over on the top, pinned and sewed on the other line down the length.  That was the hard part,

trying to stay on the line.  Did ok, but it's alittle wobbly.....

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