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need help on a quilt

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I need help (ideas) on how to quilt this hand pieced quilt.


It took me two years to hand piece this. I bought a beautiful hand quilting frame and really wanted it to be completely hand made and hand quilted, but I know that is not going to happen. It's just too overwhelming with arthritis in my hands and elbow. BUT... The zippers have given me hope anew! It's all ready to go, sandwiched and basted, waiting for me to complete the zipper leaders. All I need are some ideas. Anyone who knows more about circle lord than I do know if there are any designs suitable for 4" x 7" diamonds? Freehanding this is beyond my capabilities just yet. I am so not ready for this but I really want to get it done.

Please, anyone?

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Oh many Cathey,

I lvoe my circle lord, but I haven't got a clue as to how to do justice to this! Now I feel bad because I machine pieced, but hand quilted on for Mozart, and it was only lap sized!

You might contact Michael from CL, or Linda Stellar, both are amazing with the CL. How was the original quilted? Good luck, and please keep us posted!


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In your message you say "I am so not ready for this but I really want to get it done." The top is beautifully pieced, and it seems like it could be a masterpiece. I would set it aside, practice alot, then work on it. Done is good, but I think I would wait for this one. ;)

Janet Mohler

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Beth, the original was hand quilted, and not very heavily. The others who have made or are making this quilt would probably consider it sacriledge to machine quilt it! I did too, which is why I never sent it out to be machine quilted. Feels like I have a tiger by the tail. Sherry, that IS funny! Hand piecing takes a very long time (for some of us). I did very little else while I was making this. I think Janet has the wisest suggestion. I need a lot more practice before I tackle this. I just wanted it done so I could enter it in my guild's show in October. hahahahaha

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Cathey, when I saw those blocks I knew immediately they were Linda Franz designs. These blocks are exquisite and each one is its own exceptional piece of art in itself. It took many hours to piece these little jewels, so please don't do them an injustice by hurrying to quilt it because you just want to "get it done." I am in the same camp as Janet Mohler. Let this lovely little thing wait patiently for you until you are good and ready to give it the special quilting attention it deserves. Until then, carefully find a way to hang this unfinished top up on a wall so you can enjoy it, let it speak to you and and get inspired by it over time. You will know when the right time is to take this down and finish it. Or, if you have the $$ to hand it over to a reputable seasoned quilter who will provide a gorgeous custom quilting for you, that is an option, too. It is a treasure and so beautiful to hurry and finish the quick and easy way. :)

Just my humble $.02


PS: Rather than entering it in this October's guild show, you can plan for next October's show? You will be kicking butt on that longarm by then! ;)

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Guest Linda S

Isn't that the Jane Austen tribute quilt? It's gorgeous, but I have no idea how I'd quilt that. I'd have to have it hanging around for a while so I could think about it. So -- why don't you just send it to me? ;):P


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No kidding Cathey....besides that would hurt and leave tech-no-color ouches.

I think I would be you and leave it on the wall until you are ready and the quilt tells you what to do. I personally am still picking up my jaw...I looked at it several days ago and have been speechless sense. You get a huge blue ribbon just for finishing the top...it would never had gotten done at my house. And a best of show ribbon just for having the heart to start quilting....good luck and keep us posted on what you decide to do.

ME bowing to the beautiful quilt.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.:D

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