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Update on Jessica & Baby

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Just want to keep everyone in the loop. Jessica in now dilated "a good 3 cm" and over 50% effaced, she has now also developed Group B Strep and has to be on antibiotics so the baby won't get it during delivery. Her amniotic fluid levels are low, but not low enough to go ahead and induce. So at this time the doctors are all on alert to her condition and hope to keep the scheduled 7/23 appt. in Kansas City.

Mary beth has been invited to meet them at the hopital after the baby is delivered and present them with their comfort quilt. Still hoping and praying for the best outcome with the baby's health. Thank you all for everything you've done.

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My prayers join the others for Jessica and her little one. As my youngest daughter has spent the last three days in the hospital and her little girl isn't due until the end of august, I know how stressful times can be for us grandmoms. Just know that He holds them in His hands.

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They sent her to a lab to have blood drawn, then she will need to go back in a month to do it again. They also sent the patient that they had been working on to have blood work done, just to be on the safe side.

I'm telling you...this has been some pregnancy....I will be so glad to get that baby here and get back to normal :o wait...I don't think that will happen.

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Jessica called at 5:02 p.m. Baby Tommy Dewayne Beaumont has arrived. She said they took him to another room to do tests, clean and weigh him, but he looked good and had little fat rolls on his backside. They are admitting him into NICU for further tests. I will hear from them again tonight after they find out more. At this point Jessica and baby are doing good and Daddy Tommy is walking very tall...he got to cut the cord. Will keep you all informed.

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