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Update on Jessica & Baby

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Baby Tommy D weighs 7 lbs. 9 oz., 20 1/2 inches long and really big feet. He will be having and MRI & a CAT scan today. He is eating (and peeing) good so they are hoping to move him into a regular room today. The doctor just came into Jessica's room so she had to get off the phone. More updates later.

Mary Beth they will be calling you today!!!!

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Oooooooo.......... I'm so jealous! Can we see? Can we see?

Congratulations, April and Jen and Tommy!!! Welcome, Tommy Jr., to the quilting world -er, that is, to the whole world!!

I pray his tests will show a totally normal bouncing baby boy, and all can go home soon very happy.

Great going, Jessica, hanging in there and pulling this off! And you too, April. Now you can heave a huge sigh of relief, take a nice hot bubble bath, and get back to those quilts! :D

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Thank you thank you thank you, April, for taking the time to post these PRECIOUS pictures!! :) "Every time I hear a newborn baby cry....... [or see a newborn baby's tiny little fingers and toes!] then I know why I believe!"

Blessings to all!

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Jessica just called from the hospital...all tests came back good. No signs of Down's Syndrome or Dandy Walker's Disease and the cyst is not wrapped around the spinal cord and is a lot smaller than they kept thinking so they don't need to do anything about that at this time. As soon as they have observed him for an hour after his circumcision Jessica & Tommy can take him home. Woooohooooo:P

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