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footprint of a millenium

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The table's "footprint" for a 10-foot table would be 11 feet by 5 feet; for the 12-foot table, 13 feet by 5 feet.

You'll need more space "behind" the machine on the pantograph side, so we tell people the minimum depth to plan for would be 8 feet.

In addition, the end of the table that doesn't have the motorized feed (that's what adds the extra foot to the width of the table) CAN go up next to a wall. So you really just need enough to maneuver around the motorized feed to the rear of the table. Now, I do know of a gal who plops down on a mechanic's dolly to roll under her table to the other side, but that might be a bit extreme! :).

Hope this helps.


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Thank you for the info. Mine will be a very tight squeeze but I think I can do it! It will take up the whole room but I will have a small area to walk around to the back of the machine. I will probably enjoy doing free hand quilting rather than pantograph. Is there much to the set-up of the machine and table as it comes packaged and is the machine already tuned up ready to go? Susan

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The manual does a good job of taking you through set up, step by step. It isn't hard. Plan on a solid afternoon for time, and you'll be fine. The machine will have been extensively "sewn off" at the factory to make sure it's ready to go when you set it up.

Take some time to work through the exercises in the manual to familiarize yourself with the machine.

Let us know how we can help!


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Hi Susan,

You'll be fine for doing set up on your machine. An extra set of hands is often helpful though.

As to the footprint, I know that you said you picture yourself doing primarily freehand, but the Circle Lord is used from the panto side, and I couldn't live without mine! Just something to think about, but have a great time.


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With my room I will be able to get around all 3 sides of the table but it will be tight. I suppose there are a few of us with limited space who get these machines. I have seen some beautifully big studios and of course that is ideal. I have seen the circle lord in action on a video on the internet somewhere and I know I will want to use that. So thanks Beth for that input. I appreciate any advice. After viewing the Fons and Porter DVD I am really anxious to get my room emptied. My husband has his airplane stuff in there and you wouldn't believe how much he has in there so it will be a while before I will be able to get my Millie. I'm going to look on this site for small studio set-ups. Susan

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I also neglected to mention that you can add optional casters to the machine, so that you can reposition it more easily. You could push it closer to the wall on one side or the other as you needed.

Casters add about 4 inches to the "lowest height" of the table.

If you decide to go that route, then consider flooring other than carpet (or use a low-pile, low-pad version) to make moving the machine easier.


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I'm not sure I explained "length" and "width" consistently.

In my mind, the length of the table is from one leg to the other, along the rollers. Thus, a table with 10-foot long rollers is 11 feet in LENGTH because the motorized feed sticks out another foot past the table leg.

The "width" is from front to back, or from the freehand side to the pantograph side.

When standing on the freehand side of the machine, the motorized feed goes on the right table leg. It cannot easily be mounted to the other leg. Plan on orienting your Freedom SR so that the left side of the machine (when you are facing it and standing on the freehand handle side) is against the wall.

Hope this clears up the confusion.


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Thanks for all the input. I think I will make a template and position around the room for the best place. 10 feet plus 1 for the motorized feed. I may end up like the other gal and sliding under the machine with a dolly!!!!! At least I am not large and it would work if I had to. Susan

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I am making ready a space for my "new baby"!

I have ordered my Freedom and it should be here within the next month or so (WOOHOO)!! Am wondering about the optional castors - will the castors be an "issue" if I have already ordered the hydraulic lift? I am working with a tight space 14 x 16 (converted master bedroom).

Also, are those castors at the APQS website and what is the approximate cost?

Thank you so much, I love these posts - no machine yet, but still getting an APQS education!

Barbara in HawaiiText

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I am on the island of Oahu (Honolulu) - the most congested island but we also have the most quilt shops (4 teeny tiny)!

I do not think I will be using this machine for business - just for personal PLEASURE! But am not sure at this point.

I am a little leery about being here without easy access to a service tech - how do you handle "issues" with your machine in North Pole, Alaska?


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  • 4 years later...

Thankfully, we were able to take out a closet and convert it to part of the room. The 10 foot Lenni, wouldn't fit and let us past without having done that. Even with the renovation, it is a tight squeeze, and we have to squeeze past the machine and rooller handles, duck under the TV while sucking in tummy ( much too far these days!) to get to the panto side. We seldom do that.. thank goodness. Usually only for cleaning rails, table, threading the machine, etc.

The machine does set at an angle but only about 18 inches from end to end. the whole room is small. It is as organized as I can get it and has a lot of things stuffed in here and there. I also have a much larger table surface behind the dsm, and that makes it a lot easier to piece and bind a quilt.

We put things in what we considered better places, and so far, we've only had to undo or move what we'd done, after a few days of using it that way.

Good Luck, let us know what you've done, and most importantly, just enjoyl.



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