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First day of school

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I miss them already! It usually takes a week or so to get into MY routine. DS is a sophmore this year and my baby is a freshman! I cannot believe how "grown up" they are. All of you out there with little ones ...SAVOR every moment it's true - they grow too soon! If I could turn back time I would in a heartbeat and hope that I would be able to enjoy it more! Mine are 14 months apart & I was so busy with one that I sometimes missed time with the other. I really need to keep a box of tissue by the computer.

Not Sewhappy today.

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Sewhappy I'm sorry you are having a tough time. My baby's are 14 months apart to the day! I just went through what you are going through about 5 years ago and I remember that when my "baby" entered high school how hard that was! Then she turned into this mouthy teenager that I knew everything and I couldn't wait for her to mature. She is now 23 and I like her again! LOL time sure does fly. She is engaged. My oldest baby moved 2 years ago to NC and I still cry when I think about it! I miss him terribly even though he is grown. They are both very responsible adults and have good heads on their shoulders so I'm thankful for that.

You are so right that time just flys by.


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I remember those feelings oh so well. But it's been a while since they were in school.

My baby - 30 years old - is a SSGT in the Army and stationed at Ft Bragg. He just bought is first house in Fayetteville and will be leaving for Iraq again in October. He was home on leave for a few days last week and I cried when he left. Don't know why I still do that??? My other 2 children live within driving distance and I see them frequently, so I don't cry when they leave. Maybe it's the baby-of-the-family thing.

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I got it bad when my dauhgter went in the Navy. I still had one left at home then but he was in high school and off doing his own things. I was single and had a relationship break up at the same time. I was a basket case crying on the way to work. I finally got pills and felt much better. I was teaching school at the time and that job was stressful all the time . Tried to go off the pills and felt my patience leaving me. Ha Ha Still on the pills I guess they work. I'm not depressed or crying. Ha Ha Cheryll Plus I'm getting a new Milli tomorrow. Yea !!!

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How cute is that?!! The ladies in your Monday group should get a real kick from that innoscently honest response!!

When my son first started school I was very strong and did not cry in front of him, I did not want to upset or scare him..Instead after we left him at school I took my little girl to HER favorite bagel shop and let her get whatever she wanted. There had been so much focus on Justin I wanted her to feel special too. While she was eating I started to cry!! I just could not help myself! I bawled like a baby. tho I did feel better after I was worried I upset Connie. When talking with my friend on the phone later that day about the events of the morning she just laughed and said that the other customers in the store probably thought my husband had just left me or something!! LOL


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My babies, too, are exactly 14 months apart. My baby is a professional photographer and got married last Jan. Who would have thought one could love their son-in-law like they were natural born to me? My oldest just started grad school to get her Master Library Science. What a crazy wild ride this life has been! Keep the blessings coming.

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enjoy every moment. mine are all parents themselves now with kids of their own, some of them even have kids in school. they all live out of town and 4 of the 5 live so far away I haven't seen my oldest son for 6 years. time goes by so quickly. Now I cry when I hang up the phone.

Ruthie, my oldest son was stationed at Ft. Bragg and lived in Fayetville also, many years ago. small world

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Aw... The day I put my little boy on the kindergarten bus, I went back in the house and called my mother, and practically bawled on her shoulder - er... in her ear. She so understood. Now I do too. They do grow too fast.

I will soon be waving good-bye to my DD, in two more years, off to college somewhere God only knows, and it will be OH so hard. Then when DS goes, it will be the worst, because my DH and I will have only each other to yell at. :D:D LOL!

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