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B. Blocks

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Just posted on the Birthday forum that I have finally sent out my overdue blocks - I have been dealing with some very serious health issues with my dad - just found out he has anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months- I of course was unable to find the info for some of your blocks so I made a number of my favorites in bright or happy colors and working on them was somewhat theraputic for me - so I hope you like them and if you don't I am very sorry.


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Thank you for the kind words-Really needed them! I am an only child and mom & I don't usually get along I don't want to overuse DH's ear and trying to be strong for the kids!! I find myself crying alot alone-don't want to burden anyone. Flying out to see them soon also difficult 'cuz they live in another state & mom keeps telling me not to come yet-What does that mean???? I want to see him while he is somewhat strong not just at the end. Did not mean to get this long winded - Sorry


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Patty, When we found out my Dad had cancer and he didn't have very long I was devastated and I agree with Rita, the time left will be very special to you. Take every advantage you can to be with him as the time goes by way too fast. My prayers are with you and your family. Judi

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Your Dad would rather have you come while he is "okay". A friend of mine made the comment one time that she could not afford to fly home twice. So she was planning on going only to the funeral. I talked her into going while her Dad was still alive and somewhat coherent. She was happy for the time they had together. She also ended up with money for the trip back for the funeral. God works in mysterious ways. Our prayers are with you. Follow your heart.


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Spend the time with your Dad. You will never regret it. I was laid off in January and my Dad feel ill in March and died in early May. I was able to spend time with him for which I am very thankful. The lay off was a blessing. I could have never taken the time off.


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We seem to always have enough time and $$ for the funeral, don't we? Take the time now. Your father is a lot easier to hug and talk to than a coffin is.

My father had congestive heart failure and was put in a convalescence home with pneumonia because my stepmother could not take care of him or keep up with him. She was an amputee. She really did not want us to fly out and visit. She was afraid we would upset my father and make more work for her. We listened to her reasoning then got on a plane and went anyway. It was a great visit. 2 months later he was gone. For me, I never want to say the words "I wish that I had..."

I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

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Patty your block arrived in my mailbox today and I really love it, especially the paisley fabric.

On the topic of your Dad and his illness. In life there are somethings you can do over and some things you can not. You cannot do over spending more time with your Dad. Take it from me having had 3 family members die in the last 8 years that is is MOST important to spend time with them while they are still well enough for you and them to really enjoy those visits! You and your family will be in my prayers.

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Thank you for the block you sent me. It is one of my favorites too! (Churndash) My blocks are all houses, so I will add a small house in the middle of your block.

I hope you and your dad get to spend some quality time together. I try to do the same with my parents whenever I can.

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