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I'm Back............kinda, sorta

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So, yes I have been MIA for a smidge. I have missed ya'll and your wealth of information and stories, but I have been sincerely busy busy busy.

I just closed my fabric shop. Don't be sorry or sad for me. I am doing well and am very content with my decision. I did the math and it didn't take a rocket sciencist to figure out that the money I was making wasn't from the fabric sales of the shop. So, we moved everything to the house. I think my home shrank considerably. ;)

On another note, the people in this community crack me up. We mentioned -in passing- that we were moving the shop and several people showed up to help with the moving of the big stuff. It was quite entertaining to watch a bunch of men hang out in a quilt shop and to see the looks on their faces when my husband told them the cost of my long arm machine! They are definitely a super group of peps! We are very fortunate to have them as friends.

Take care to all and wish me luck. My long arm is currently residing in a car hauler at the moment, until my husband and son can get it moved into the house later today or tomorrow. I am very antsy to get my Precious back into commission. I have several customer quilts to finish. Thank God my customers are an understanding group of people about the move and my getting organized. YEA!

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Hi Manda... I was wondering about you lately and glad you posted the news. Your positive attitude will help you to perservere through whatever life hands you, and I am glad you are looking at this with the bigger perspective. Things always work out in the end, right? Take care and keep in touch...missing you and sending you good thoughts. :)

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About ten years ago , I did the same thing, the quilting was my money and the fabric sales just took care of the shop...so why have the headache...I never regretted moving my quilting machine to the garage in my house. Kept some of the fabric etc...It was nice to have a customer base to start...Had an open house so the community could see what I was up to...this is gonna work out great for you...

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So when you say you did the math is this quilt shop something you had for a while?. I am asking because I want to open one. I live on the columbia gorge in washingto the state. In our general area there are NO quilt shops. They are two small towns next to each other. We have a produce business so I have a lot of LA customers from that. They keep asking me when I will open a quilt shop. We badly need one. How do I know if our communnity can support a quilt shop?.



Washougal Wa


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Hi Nora. I'm probably not the best person to ask advice on a quilt shop, but I will tell you that one of our local (and very successful/expanding and getting bigger and bigger) quilt shops started out in her home for several years, then she moved to a commercial building about two years ago, now she is even growing bigger. I think if you start out small and you can build from there. Nothing wrong with starting little and expanding, right? :)

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When you think about having a shop...you need to think about not only shopping for the fabric, paterns, notions...but also lots of classes, lots and lots of displays of quilts, wallhangings etc. bookeeping, cleaning, employees, taxes..6 to seven days a week being open...and then how many hours a day being open...how will this effect your family, kids etc. sometimes classes are after the shop closes ya know...these are just a few things to consider...oh ya, rent, utilities, insurance, ...Over all, it was a good experience, but inthe end...my machine quilting paid me, the fabric etc. paid the bills...I am sure others who have had shops can give you other things to consider..Good luck on what you decide..

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