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class fee???

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i have some people asking me to teach them LAing, either in their homes with their machines or in my house with mine...

what do i charge??? i'm at a loss as what to fairly charge...

if you teach classes, what do you charge for one-on-one classes? i think my current fee is a little low...


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The LAer who taught me my first class charged $75 for an hour on the machine, although we went well over the hour. It included practice materials, thread, etc. But she was teaching upstairs in a quilt shop, so I\'m sure she was covered by liability insurance from the shop. Be sure to CYA, insurance-wise, before inviting someone into your studio to teach them.

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I have taught a few, but if you are teaching on your machine, why are they taking a class? Do they want to buy a machine and compete with you??

I have taught a couple gals that have contacted me from this site. I teach on my machine, but they are most curious about loading, squaring up backs etc., and they were not close enough to compete, 30 miles or more.

I charge, if someone asks, 4 hours for $150, and I am sure it gives them the peace of mind to get started. I also give them some thread samples (2 or 3) on cones that I know I can\'t get a whole quilt out of, just so they can try them for a short while on their machine.

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