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NQR---Alaska Native People (Eskimos & Indians)

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I just have to share: Every year, I volunteer to help for one day at the annual Alaska Native convention. Last week it was here in my town. Native People from small villages all over the state, north south east and west (the Yupik and the Inupiat Eskimo, Aleut, Tlingit, Haida, Athabascan Indian) all convene for a giant week long conference where they share and work through current issues, celebrate, perform dances in their native dance regalia with the drums and the dance fans and head dress. Each area has their own special regalia and drums, language, stories and dance style that is truly beautiful and unique. They have many festivities, and my favorite part is visiting the room where they sell their beautiful hand made arts and crafts! :) Oh, I need a giant bib to catch the drool when I walk through and see the beautiful quality made jewelry and carvings and so many different items. Over the years, I have acquired a nice collection of Alaska Native art, so why stop collecting now? Anyway, knowing I could find more pretty things to buy, I brought my checkbook and I proceeded to spend a bunch of $$ but oh well, I got some more little treasures and I met the people who made these treasures!

You know when you are in a place that is filled with much happy, positive energy and vibes? This was that place, for sure. Everyone there is always so happy and smiling; it is a joyous occasion. It literally is a family reunion for many people! I wore my bright blue hand made Kuspuk that I bought from an Eskimo woman, Janie, who is originally from Barrow and I was happy to see her there. She recognized the kuspuk and she came running up to me saying "Hey, that\'s mine!" :P It was funny! (I work with her daughter).

I am not Native, I am just a plain old white girl that has lived here for 32 years. But I so love the beautiful traditions, the beautiful art, the beautiful dance and the beautiful stories and history and spirit of the Alaska Native Eskimos and Indians. :) They are proud people with so much rich heritage. I know this is not related to quilting but I just had to share. All sorts of people, no matter who they are or where they are from anywhere in the world, they are so interesting and I am fascinated to meet new people from different backgrounds and cultures. Thanks for reading me!

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Hi Shana,

The convention sounds wonderful! I guess the craft end is similar to what they have during Rondy at the Diamond Center in Anchorage. So many beautiful ivory (fossilized) carvings, balleen, fur pieces, jewelry, baskets and, oh my, I wanted to buy it all! I spent almost an entire day talking to the people and admiring their crafts, and bought a few things.

At the Native Heritage Center I fell in love with a Kuspuk, but in the end I did not buy it. Living in Philadelphia, it just wouldn\'t work. I get funny looks when I wear the 2 fur hats and the big, wide ruff I have, as it is.

Yes, I love Alaska, too!!!!


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Hi, Evelyn! Yes, absolutely I have read "Two Old Women" it is a wonderful story (you can read it in a couple of hours!) and has a good moral/message, doesn\'t it? :) I have read many books written by Alaska Natives about their lives in the village, their struggles integrating to the white man\'s culture, and living a substance lifestyle off the land. Right now I am reading another book, Fishcamp, and it has an accompanying CD where the author (Athabascan woman from a small Yukon River village) speaks and tells stories of her family\'s life growing up on the river. I met her last week; she has such a sweet voice on the CD and reminds me of a grandma\'s voice. Awww! I enjoyed listening to it very much. Such a treasure, I think. :) People are fascinating, aren\'t they?

OK for those of you who asked, I found a web site that has a bunch of quality photos of Alaska Natives from all over the place. There are several pages here, so look at as many as you wish. Enjoy!


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