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Who has a blog?

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I don\'t have a Blog yet. I\'m thinking of starting one in Jan. 08\' to keep me inspired to complete some of my UFO projects!

One of my favorite online quilting Blogs is Bonnie Hunter.

She has a long arm, but is primarily known for her use of fabric scraps to make the most beautiful quilts! If you don\'t already have her on your list---you may want to put her blog there.

She is in the process of moving right now so doesn\'t write a much. I have followed her exciteing quilting life the past 3 yrs. She also has a mystery quilt project she is sharing with everyone going on now, that I\'m going to join just as soon as I get my Fanfare to Heros quilt top pieced. (1/3 done)

Here is a link to Bonnie\'s Blog:


Do you have a Blog?

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Connie has a very nice blog. She owns a Milli and lives in Indiana I just logged in and she has Christmas music playing in the background :P I really like Connie\'s blog.


Ferret also has a very nice blog.


Another friend has one but it\'s not updated in a while. She\'s originally from Alaska but moved to Lebanon, Oregon, near Sisters:



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I actually have 2 blogs; one for my business and one for journaling my quilt progress and anythign else that I fancy.

I use the biz blog to propose ideas, panto patterns, and motifs to clients. I do it out of necessity since I work a real job and am away from home from 5 AM until 5 or 6 PM. There is not normally time to sit and visit with customers. My regulars drop off their quilts at the LQS for me to pickup. Most just give me an idea of what they want but some want to hear some choices. So I post them on thebiz blog. This also gives my customers a chance to take their time viewing the photos and considering their choices. Thread color is usually my choice since you cannot really depend on the color in different monitors/laptop screens.

The other blog is more used as a journal for me to track what I did on what quilt; the batting, pattern, thread choices. It helps me remember. I know that it is viewed by the public so I don\'t get wild in there. Not a lot of folks comment but they are are always welcome to. I have a counter so I can see how often my blog is viewed. Sometimes I put family stuff in there, too. My sister and SIL love to read my blog to keep up with what is going on in my life.

I read JudyL\'s blog regulary; love her spirit, her quilts and her yummy recipes.

I also read Lisa Thiessen\'s She is so creative.

And I love Vicki Welsh\'s blog .

I used to read Mary Beth\'s blog because she always makes me laugh. But this driving job she has now seems to cut into her blog time.

I know that blogspot has blogs that a fairly easy to navigate and setup. But I think that yahoo and wordpress also have free blog space.

I hope that you bloggers will put your blog address in your signature block so we can view what\'s new with you.;)

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