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This is the show quilt

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Here is an idea I have. My paint skills suck, but I got the general idea down.

SID in the diagonal outer borders (they\'re very wide). Radiating arcs around the center circle, keeping with the color change lines. (I need to buy Renae\'s Rays to do this) then feathered swags in the corners by the circle. Wide feathered areas in the wide white border. Fill with McTavishing or stippling or something.

What do you think. I\'m scared to death to even start on it.


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Most of the quilt is beautiful, and your ideas are great... I just hate it when like the white borders, they are wider in places than on others.. lol I want things uniform.

She did terrific on the bargellow in the round.. your idea seems to be just what it need.s


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Teresa, why don\'t you play on the giant swirl and feather down each swirl, maybe peacoc feathers? And continue the feather (swirl) into the white areas and even out into the white outer border? Make that hurricane take on the entire top. The darker inner frame you could SID so it gives the hurricane more dimension. Use a different color thread for each part of the swirl ( the same color as that fabrics - white for the white, blues for the blues) it will blend in but really be dramatic. Extend that same thread color swirling out into the white inner and outer borders.

I\'m not good at Paint, either so here is my take...


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I agree with Shana that a feather in the swirl would be neat. I think I would do a swirly feather though going over 3 or 4 colors at a time. That should give it a lot of movement. In the first white background I think I would just do an all over type of meander, maybe twirly meander but I wouldn\'t play it up too much so the inside pops. In the first color border I would just do an SID to creat a frame. Then I would really do some facy feathers in the big white border. maybe some kind of trapunto would be pretty. Something really swirly would be perfect. Then just sid in the outside border like you said. I would also find out if the client intends to have that on the bed one way or the other. My guess is that she made the two white border wider for a reason. You can design based on that.


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I like the feather swirl idea, but I\'m not sure my freehand feathers are show quality. She probably will put it on the bed afterwards, I think that\'s why she did the wider white borders. I think I can work with those with the feather pattern I was going to use.

I\'d love to use different colored threads, but she gave me white backing and she wants white thread top and bottom, so no dots of color show on the back.

I hadn\'t thought about just meandering the area around the circle. I\'ll have to think about it.

I probably won\'t even touch it for a couple of weeks. I\'ve got to go back to work tomrrow and get back into the work, clean house, do laundry, quilt routine. I\'ve gotten spoiled the last two weeks.

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Since this is a show quilt, I would put over the top quilting on it.

In the center, I see a dark, medium and light arcs with each of them having 3-4 colors. I would put double radiating arcs on the edges of each one. The arcs would start in the middle and end up about 1/4" inch apart at the edge of the circle. Between the arcs I would put some radiating feathers. This would give you alternating double arcs and feathers.

In the white areas I see scrollwork and feathers. Karen McT. has some great elements in one of her books, "The Secrets of Elemental Quilting" that would look totally awesome in the white areas and the white borders and then fill in around them with a small background filler.

What if instead of SID the diagonals on the outside border you did 1/8" inch on either side of the seam? Again, it would repeat the double arc thing going on in the middle.

Post pictures when you are done!!


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