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I made a big mess

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Well I was in a hurry trying to get a quilt done tonight so that I could deliver it in the morning. I thought that maybe I put the top on wrong and wanted to make sure I had enough backing fabric so I pinned the top across the quilt and advanced it. I did this three times and sure enough it was fine so I was quickly removing the row of pins and I guess I missed one. I was rolling it back up when it caught. Not thinking I left a pin in the quilt. It put two small holes in the top and a big one in the back. This was a customer quilt. Not only that it is for the owner of the LQS. She was going to take it to show off my quilting ability at her local guild.

I called her and thankfully she laughed and said not to worry about it. I told her I would fix it and replace the backing. She said she had lots of extra backing and she would bring me more. I told her I would pay to replace the backing. I am going to meet her tomorrow to show her what I did. I hope that this doesn\'t hurt my business.

I told her I would discount her quilting which I was going to do anyways. Should I charge her anything for the quilting or just do it for nothing and chalk it up to lessoned learned? I was just going to do a pantograph.



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I would pay for the backing and fix the top and be done with it! In other words put it back in the condition she gave it to you in at no charge to her and then get paid for the difference. You were honest and you should not beat yourself up any more than you need to. I am sure you have learned from this mistake and you will be more careful about it in the future.

I always lay my quilt on the backing before it goes on the machine with the top marked both on top and backing so there will be no unwelcome suprises once it is on the machine and the quilting process has begun.

I have a very meticious routine and as long as I stick to it I will not have unwelcome operator error.

Just remember that haste makes waste!

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Don\'t beat yourself up over this, after all we are human. Every time someone mentions on this site some mishap that they did or forgot to do, most of us just grin and know exactly what they are talking about.

My new best product is liquid fabric glue! Had to use it twice in the same quilt for a guild because my machine kept throwing needless. Most customers are very understanding.

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Originally posted by sewingupastorm

Just remember that haste makes waste!

While having a root canal recently, I was reading the Murpheys Law poster stuck to the ceiling. I happened to be having difficulties with a customer quilt at the time.

One of the sayings that struck me - and fit my situation to a "T" was this:

There is never time to do it right, but always time to do it over

Makes one think.......

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Thanks Ladies!

She was very understanding when we met today. She won\'t let me replace the piece on top but just wants me to repair it with fusible web and some zig zag stitching. Ok I can handle that. I tried telling her I would take it apart and replace the piece. The backing is made of two pieces so I can just replace the one panel. Problem is she won\'t let me pay for the ruined fabric. Said that she bought it on clearance a long time ago.

She said not to worry about it that the quilt is just going on the back of her couch to cuddle up with and for the dogs to use, not a prize winning quilt. Still I feel that I should pay for the backing no matter what the quilt is being used for. Not sure how to deal with this part. Planning on only charging her half price.

I had laid it out and marked it like I always do but was afraid that I marked it wrong. Since I had done it earlier that morning I was second guessing myself, shouldn\'t have done that. Big lesson learned!!!!!!!!


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