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Thread nets

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I think I have to use a thread net on the Millie stand alone bobbin winder...right? Where do I buy those. Mine is close to non-existent. How do you hold the net on the thread spool, and hold the thread coming out of the bobbin until it breaks off?? My bobbins wind fine...I just know that soon I will not have that net and it seems to be important--because when I don\'t hold on tight--and it comes off--I have messed up the bobbin! Thanks, Jane

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Well, I had forgotten the part about using a thread net when winding a bobbin, so I haven\'t been doing that and have had not trouble with my bobbins, either with winding or running on my machine for the past year and a half that I have had my machine.

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yikes! I hadn\'t heard about using them with the stand alone bobbin winder. I have some for my LAVA thread and a couple of other contrary cones. I\'ll put one on tonight when I wind a bobbin and see if it makes a difference. Learn something new everyday here!! :)

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I use Nets for certain threads especially rainbows (when I want fancy pattern on the backing). Otherwise the thread just goes all over or jumps out of the tensioner.

To make life waayyy easier I generally use Superior Threads Super Bobs pre-wound bobbins. I am so grateful that they are available. Saves time too.

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Originally posted by Lsilver

Send me your address in a U2U and I will put a dozen or so in the mail if you want them....I got loads from Superior and don\'t use them!

Linda, I do need to use them...but I see they are pretty inexpensive and easy to get--I\'ll include them in another order, but I thank you for offering to send some to me! Jane

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Jane, Hi! I use my net on my bobbin winder and I also put a little piece of torn batting in the Hook that the thread first comes up on, the thread doesn\'t bounce around that way. I think it said to do that in the manual. Just another tip to help the thread go on smoothly!! For those of you who use prewounds, doesn\'t that get awfully expensive? The quilt I am working on right now , I have used 6 bobbins already, and I am not quite half way done with the quilt!! I have wondered about that!!! linda

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Hi linda--

I use pre-wounds almost exclusively. The BottomLine pre-wounds have 119 yards, I think. I just finished a medium-density top tonight that was 60 x 77 and I used less than three bobbins. If you wind your own 40 weight (Signature or King Tut) you may only get 30 or 40 yards on a bobbin, so you will of course go through lots of bobbins that way.

I have a thread charge or $1 per bobbin no matter what I use. If I wind my own it will take more bobbins per top so it helps offset the time I use winding them. If I use pre-wounds the charge just about offsets the cost of both the bobbin and the top thread.

The great thing is that you get to find your own way and decide what works for you.

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