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Sorry Sherri,

In my family you are brief when you type. I will explain better

I soak my fabric in bubble jet set I fold about three yards on a large cookie sheet. I then soak the fabric. Any left over gets poured back in the bottle. Once it is soaked I hang dry. After it has dried I cut it to 9x12. I cut a piece of freezer paper a little larger then 9x12 I iron the fabric onto the freezer paper I start in the middle and work out so I don\'t trap wrinkles. When it is secure I cut using the rotary cutter(it says to origanlly start with 8.5x12 but I find the edges are not happy going through the printer, they like crisp edges) to 8.5x11 to go through the printer. I use presentation as a preference on the printing. I print then wait for it to dry it takes maybe 5 min. When dry I peel off freezer paper. I then follow the drections for bubble jet set and soak the printed fabric. I then dry again (using a blow dryer does work now) When it is dry Press and it is ready.

Hope this was more descriptive if not let me know


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I encourage all my customers to label their quilts by giving them a pre-printed label delivered with their finished quilt. ~~ And, I show it to them. "You might have something else in mind for a label, but here\'s one we picked out for you to use if you don\'t have something already." There\'s a HINT for you! :P

They have to write all the information on the label and sew or fuse it on themselves but it certainly gives them the idea that I expect them to label their quilt! Once in a while I\'ll have a customer ask me to do it for them. $$$

I buy scads of these labels in panels off the bolt. Every quilt shop has at least one of these in stock and I look for them when I go ShopHopping. Keepsake Quilting has them in their catalog and online all the time. In fact, I think they are on sale right now.

When my little boy is in the studio I let him go through all the labels to pick the one he thinks is best for the quilt. If a customer has a consultation in my studio I sometimes think to have her pick out a label herself.

You can also pass on what my appraiser told me. A label automatically increases the value of your quilt by at least $50.00 :cool:

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Melora...I used the "Bubble Jet Set" when it first came out....say 8 years ago. Have they changed the formula to be a better product. The I still have. The colors would wash out after 1 or 2 washings, the inks back in those days would print, but not very bright/dark. I would be willing to buy more as its the least cost effective way...now that there are better printers and inks available. I had totally forgotten that I had this until I unloaded a box last week that was still packed from when I closed my studio down....5 years ago.


I have not had that problem I do think the bubble jet set is one of the keys and the other is the ink. I do think that doing the highest grade printing with the newer inks is a huge factor. I know that people love getting the label when it is a picture of relevance to our relationship. Whats funny is I refill my own ink cartridges with ink I got from costco years ago so who knows. It probably is jsut the setting solutions that locks it in Pick up a bottle and see. It will last forever it is one cap ful for a gallon of water anit is 16 ounces

good luck


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Thank you Melora...for your help. I think I will retry the Bubble Jet stuff, I loved the concept, but like I said when they first came out I couldn\'t get it to work well....Now I;m thinking it might have been the printer that I was using more than the product.

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I handwrite my labels - but I cheat. I print it out on from the computer and then use a light box to trace. I free-hand the border. One label is to the person(s) the other label is my name, town year. Here are two photos. I use those pigma pens.


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