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Video on gluing border!!

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Hello everyone!! Once again I\'ve read some real good info & don\'t know how to find it again when I need it. I watched a video, one of you recommeneded, on using Elmer\'s to glue into place binding before stiching it down. At the time I wasn\'t ready for it, but now would like to reread it & I cannot remember where it was.... If anyone could lead me in the right direction, I\'d sure appreciate it. And, is there a way or a place to label or put articles that I\'d like to read again at a later date??

Thanks, Meemaw Marilyn

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:D Thanks so much Judy, that was exactly what I needed. And, don\'t feel bad about typing in the wrong word, cause I typed in border myself & had to backspace it out & type in binding. We must be on the same brain wave or something like that.... Thanks again, I found what I needed to know thanks to you!!!


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To answer your other question, regarding a label, etc . . . When you\'re reading the thread, you should see an option in small type just about the solid blue bar at the top of the bar which says "add to favorites". That way you can go back to find the ones you know you\'ll want to refer to again.

I\'ve used Sharon\'s glue trick for bindings on the last few I\'ve done, and it really works great. You can also use the glue if you want to sew the binding on the back, then attach to the front with a blind hemstitch and cut your hand stitching to almost nothing!


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Don\'t forget that you need the tips to go on the glue bottle. Sharon has them on her website as well as her daughter\'s.



If you don\'t have the proper tip on the bottle of glue (Elmer\'s Washable School Glue), you will have a mess.

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I am guessing it may be like a cake decorating bag and a tip. Cut the bottle so the tip of the mechanical pencil inserts down the tip but not all the way. When you squirt it should lodge it into place

Again jsut a guess.

Loved Sharon\'s scalloped demo with the exception of sewing a reverse miter.


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I watched the youtube video before she pulled it.

Sharon took a mechanical pencil and took out the metal tip the lead goes through. Then she took a glue bottle, (Elmer\'s School Glue) and put the pencil end over top of it and scored the glue bottle end by pushing and turning it so she would know where to cut the end off.

After cutting the glue bottle end off she inserted the pencil end into the tip from the inside (clear as mud?) and shoved it in there. The pressure of the glue kept it in place. She did put a knitting needle rubber protector over the end to keep it from drying out.

Did I miss anything?

I had already purchased the glue tip ends before I saw this video. They are $5 from the Purple Daisies website (her daughter\'s) and I ordered it when they were having free shipping. Otherwise I would have tried the mechanical pencil thingy.

Hope this helps.

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Meemaw Marilyn:

You might be interested in a thread I posted earlier about saving information from the forum onto your computer. With this method you can sort the info and put it into different folders.


I can\'t get this link to work when I click on it, but it still works if you just cut and paste it into the address box above.


Thanks for the information about Favorites. I hadn\'t explored this website thoroughly enough to learn about its many bells and whistles. While I use the "Search" feature and "Printable Version"all the time, I didn\'t bother to read the rest of the area. I have learned my lesson.

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Thanks again for any help. I actually had never seen the \'add to favorites\' until you told me.. That\'s a great help..

Now, as for the glue, I tried it & didn\'t have the tip, just the regular glue bottle & I had no issues... Of course, you have to be pretty darned careful.. Since I just viewed her video before attempting it, it was helpful. Her tips on adding your own bottle tips, was buy the BIC mechanical pencils, I saw them at my local \'buy everything store\' & they were about 20 pens for 5 or 6 dollars... But, I was in a hurry to get it on & out & used the bottle without the tip. It took more time on the front end, but sure made it easier sewing & getting it in the right place when you needed it to be.. I\'ll definetly use it next time I apply binding... Never even thought about glueing the backside & machine sewing from front side, sounds great to me...

Loved her method!!

Meemaw Marilyn

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Okay, this is old news by now...but I have a plan to try some Piec-Lique\'....I will probably won\'t be posting any more, because knowing me I will glue my fingers together...I have never been good with crafts. Anyway, I was thinking about these bottle tips and how fine they are and I thought...."What about quilling products!" You all that are into this glue thing might want to take a look at some of the quilling web sites and order your tips from them. They have them in stock and some are like $2.50 each and they fit your elmers bottle. Just a thought.

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Today I finally tried the small glue tips that Sharon recommended and I bought. I had a hard time getting the glue out, the hole was so small. And then it left such a tiny amount of glue that it didn\'t hold the binding down. I finally was frustrated enough that I went back to the orginal glue tip. More glue, some messy fingers but at least it held it down when I ironed it. The glue just rolls off your fingers when it dries. I was careful enough that I didn\'t get it on my iron.

I really like this technique and am willing to put up with a little mess to make it happen. Anyone else have this problem with her glue tips?

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