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Customer Quilt Owie Fixed! Thanks!

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Thank You Bonnie and hollyc! I used parts of both of your suggestions. I think it worked! I defy anyone to detect the "fix". This quilt is busy and colorful, I don\'t think it will show at all. This "Local" quilt show isn\'t juried or judged, prizes are awarded and it\'s viewer\'s choice. Not what you all think of as a "quilt show" but still includes many beautiful, original and creative works. Thanks again for your positive support.


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Dixie Lee - You did an amazing fix on her booboo. I would tackfully point out to her where you did the fix so that she is aware that she needs to check all of her seams before bringing them to you. And I bet you will have this customer for a very long time. GREAT JOB:)

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I used a purple air erase marker to outline the exact shape of the area I wanted to overlay. (The area wasn\'t perfectly triangular) I left approximately a scant 1/4". I left the left edge unturned and turned under the remaining edges. I used a glue stick to hold the new triangle in place and hand basted the piece in place. I slipped the left edge under the adjoining edge where it should have been stitched diagonally. I SID type stitched around the perimeter and stippled the piece in place to match the surrounding pieces. Then I used fusible thread to run stitches along the long diagonal seam, catching all layers with tiny stitches. (all that hand embroidery I used to do comes in handy) I then fused the whole thing and Voila! Fixed! I didn\'t edge-stitch along the fused seam as I thought that would show too much. It seems tight and stable, that fusible thread is really cool stuff! My customer was aware of her stitching problem, I had asked her to provide the matching fabric I used to make the repair, no small issue as she lives 30 miles from me. We got it done is what matters! She was very pleased I was willing to help her out and was very thankful to have it unnoticable. You know, my Mother really encouraged the "Golden Rule" with us kids, I know it\'s old timey but it feels right to do what you can to help out your fellow travlers on the road of life. I know I\'d appreciate it if someone was willing to help me out. Hopefully what goes around, comes around! Thanks for your kind words.

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