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Hydraulic lifts-My only question

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I have a Mille with 14ft table (although the size of the table doesn\'t matter). It lifts the whole table to a comfortable height to where you happen to be working at. Now I\'m able to sit and quilt or adjust to my standing height. Although I bought these through APQS, they may or may not work on your table. I would check with APQS.

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Hydraulic lifts should work on any table that has legs. That\'s all of them, right? :P

You\'d think that if you get the machine the right height for YOU, that you wouldn\'t need them, but let me tell you, they are one of the best investments I\'ve ever made. Sometimes just raising or lowering the table an inch or two makes all the difference in the world when your back is hurting. :o

I also like to raise mine to it\'s highest position before cleaning out the hook area, or checking needle bar height. Easy to just pull up my Black & Decker tool box/seat and sit at a comfortable height without banging my head on the rollers! :cool:

I changed the position of the control button. Instead of putting it under the table (how stupid is that! I\'ve "zap-strapped" it to the right side of my tension bar. One of my customers that works only on the panto side of the machine, attached hers to a rail at the back/side of the machine. Here\'s a pic of mine.


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I can\'t imagine not having the lifts. I\'m 5\'10" and it never fails that I end up standing on my head to do so many things and thought of cleaning the bobbin area or standing for long just makes my back hurt! (and I don\'t even have my machine yet!)

Myrna, lovin\' your new avatar!

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