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thread holder

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I recently watched Myrna\'s new DVD and noticed her thread cone was located at the front of the machine. Mine is at the back. Does it make a difference in the tension where the thread cone is actually placed? Also, where did the extra cone holder come from, and how was it attached?

Thanks for any info you girls/guys can offer.

PS The DVD was really great, but the location of the cone really got my attention.

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I don\'t think it makes a difference on the tension. I\'m guessing the thread holder you are talking about is the Hartley Spool Holder that is mounted on the front of the machine so that when you work from the front you are not running back a forth to mess with thread. If you want one you could order from APQS or I bet Myrna could hook you up.

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Mary answered your question! But I also wanted to add that Myrna\'s spool holder that is mounted on the front of her machine is an accessory -- not a standard build. If you would like to purchase this accessory (as I have done) and attach it ot the front of your machine, you can order them through Myrna or even here... directly on the APQS web site ... they sell all sorts of accessories. :)

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My husband fixed me up something on the front of the machine by bending a coat hangar into a loop and attaching it to the screws on the front of the machine. The cone sits on the post where the laser would attach. The thread started to wear a groove in the the wire hangar, so I took a binder clip and clipped it onto the loop of coat hangar and the thread goes through the silver part of the clip where you would squeeze to open it.

I would attach a picture if I knew how. This was a free solution and it works just fine.


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