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Thank you Susanne for the happy wishes! It's great to have freedom! We are going to a 4th of July/Graduation party tomorrow and then having a bonfire/weenie roast here on Saturday night. We'll have 'smores and watermelon too! DH has moved some speakers outside so there will be music and a lot of flags all around.

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Thank you very much for the holiday Wishes.. so.. still being 4th of July, non holiday style,, I'm hoping praying you have a safe, fun, happy day, too. To those of us in USA.. God Bless. lets keep this country Free, Safe, Healthy, and pray for traveling mercies...

God Bless, Rita

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We had Canada Day on the 1st of July and I heard a joke comparing our two holidays.

July 4 marks Independence Day for Americans. It is a day to celebrate a strong and separate nation. July 1 is Canada Day and celebrates the fact that Canadians have two more weeks of summer.

This is certainly an exaggeration, but we do rather like to crow about our short summers and long winters. (or- winter and two months of poor skiing)


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