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AAAGGHH!!! I have been working on a customer quilt since 11:30 (it is now almost 2:30) that should have taken me about a little over an hour to complete!!!!! I have frogged almost EVERY thing I have done and tried it again, and some frogging of even the 2nd round!!:mad::mad: I decided to just walk away. When I did the practicing on muslin before I put the real deal on, I did great......AAAGGHHH!!! I drive myself nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: Thanks for listening to me VENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Linda. I'm right there with ya! I walked away 2 days ago and am just getting back to it. I have a question for you. What to you do about the marks/holes left from the previous stitching after you take it out? I know they will probably not show after the quilt is finishe and washed or ironed, but is there something I should do while it is on the frame?

Keep your chin up:)


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Hi April and Peggy! Well, I did wrestle with what to put on this quilt. Then I made my decision and practiced first on muslin.... It's just not coming out on the real thing as well as the muslin.... I know I am just trying too hard!! This is only my 5th customer quilt and I am still nervous when it comes to working on them! Peggy, I have found that if I take a damp (not really wet) wash cloth and rub over the hole that the frogging left, it helps allot! Also, just taking your fingernail over them helps. but the damp wash cloth REALLY does the trick for me!

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I experienced the same thing recently. frogged white on red when the flowers just didn't look at good as on the practice muslin. finally decided the muslin was hiding all the imperfections. Changed to a red on red and white on white for the daisy freehand pattern and it looked great. Customer melted all over it...and i thought it as a little too wonky/funky - but everyone ohhhh'd and ahhh'd. shoud post pics - may later.

Don't be too hard on yourself. What we see as 'not so great' looks amazing when you take the quilt off your frame. sometimes we're just too close.....

Good Luck!!

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The quilter's friends--matching thread, thin thread, busy fabric---especially as you start out. You will look so good and build your confidence and soon you are "there"!

And I agree with Kathy above. Take it off the frame and hang it up. All those wonky spots that drove you crazy and you agonized over whether to frog are only apparent when you are three inches above the fabric on the frame. You will amaze yourself at how well you can do in a short time of PPP. Have fun and keep stitchin'!

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Hey Peglu, You can, also, lightly spritz with water to make the holes go away or you can use a q-tip in water if there is any chance of the colors running. Some times the holes are distracting to do the next stitching, sometimes not. If not distracting you, you can leave them iuntil you're done with the whole thing. With all the moving back and forth on the machine, they may go away on their own.

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