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Quilting and Health Issues

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Well since you asked...

Yes, I do have a computer assisted machine--a Statler/Gammill system. I knew I was having hip and shoulder issues when I bought the machine and I knew that I wasn't going to last as a stand up freemo quilter. After the carpal tunnel surgery in 2007, I vowed to make changes in my routine to prevent repetitive stress injuries.

I took a class from Sheila Snyder at Innovations and we talked about exercises and stretches for longarmers. I have since taken on a new approach to my business and if I do one customer quilt a week I'm doing good. I usually get very large quilts because I have a 14 ft table, so it takes a couple of days to run them. I also have two daughters and other family who give me work to do. So, my challenge to you quilters is to take care of yourselves. Take a break, stretch, go for a walk.

Oh, and I found a wonderful program that I installed on my laptop computer. (NOT to be installed on the Statler) It's called PRSI Break, and it pops up throughout the day with an exercise that lasts only five minutes at a time. It's a great program for me since I do a lot of computer drawing and (APQS) chatting.:D

Here is the link to the program


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Hi Bonnie! Yes, I am trying to take extra care too! I have a new LA buddy that stresses how much to take care of my body while doing this!! Massages and feet reflexology are things I am trying to do every once in a while. $ is an issue there, but I am walking every night. I think walking is the best thing I can do!! I have even lost about 8 #s this summer doing that!! :) I also work for a Chiropractor, so I get regular adjustments....Ahhh!! That's a great perk of the job! I will check out your site! thanks! linda

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Been there done that! I've had carpel tunnel surgery on both hands, and shoulder surgery on my right shoulder. I have issues from time to time too, ususally a chiropracter can help mine. My vow was no more surgeries. I do pretty well with my machine, but it is a Millie and that was one reason for buying her, they are so light weight. I won't go the computer route, personal reasons...everyone already has heard me gripe...just don't like the looks of the quilting. If it comes to that I will retire and sell my machine. Exercise is always good. We should all be doing stretches and even weights....doesn't mean you have to pump real iron, light weights are good too, but we really need that.

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The program cost me $60 and I downloaded it after they received my payment--no shipping. They are located in Canada. Here is another website that I tried first, then went to the PRSI Break one.


I get emails occasionally--not bothersome--with tips and techniques.

Mary Beth, I know what you mean about the computer quilting look. I think it does a great panto, and sometimes custom designs can be gorgeous. However, I'm with you. I am trying to PPP so I can do a decent freemo to enhance the computer elements. I have one coming up that is my daughter's quilt top and she is going to let me play with it. I'm tickled to think even I could do freemo. Too bad they all can't be. I like the hand-made look and the little wobbles now and then add character. That's why I love this website--YOU ALL are my role models that I want to be like.:D

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That is when it looks great. When you put an element into a quilt, then freehand to enhance it. The best example I can think of is JoAnne Hoffman. Man, can she make computer quilting look good. But for the most part, the quilts I have seen in person look flat. I even noticed at our longarm guild meeting, for our MQS challenge, the three top quilts were all hand guided. There were several computer guided quilts there, but you could spot them a mile away, and they were not selected by the majority of the machine quilters in attendance.

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While I can't vow "no more surgeries," I'm doing what I can to avoid having to do anything other than the one that may be pending. I had back surgery last December, prior to purchasing my Millie. Shortly after the surgery, I blew another disk, but didn't know it so I suffered through PT until it was discovered. Since then, I've had two cortizone shots directly into the disk, which has helped with the pain, but not enough. Maybe another surgery to correct...we'll see.

Sorry..I really didn't mean to get into all that, its just that I wanted to put in my 2cents worth as well regarding exercise and once my fingers started typing, there was no stopping them!:P We bought an elliptical from Costco two weeks ago. My goal is to do 5-10 minutes on it every hour that I'm quilting on weekends and to work up to 30 minutes every evening after work. I'm slowly getting there....slowly:D

Prior to my back issues, my DH and I worked out every morning before work for at least 30 minutes and we kept 2-3 horses in shape for 50-100 mile endurance rides. I don't move so well in the mornings now, so he gets the elliptical first thing. And I've only been able to ride short, painful distances, so that exercise has gone by the wayside this season.

I know that when I was carrying around less weight and exercising regularly, I felt so much better. That's my goal now....to do what it takes to feel good.

And Mary Beth, I'm with you. While I can see the usefullness of a computer if you're really into production, I don't like the lack of creativity. I want to be competent on both sides of my machine without a computer before I ever consider adding one.

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I forgot to mention, I've had back surgery too. How could I forget that?! You are right to get the elliptical. They are no impact so won't hurt your feet, knees, hips or back. I started out at the gym on one because I was too chubby to do much else. That along with Weight Watchers helped me to lose 35 pounds which I needed. I kind of started skipping the gym, and my back has started acting up again, only this time it is upper back. DH thought he would be my personal trainer and told me to grab the 15 pound weights :o You don't "grab" the 15 pound weights. I have been trying to recoop since then. Soooo, to make a long story even longer :D I hurt my upper back and couldn't do the arm movements of the elliptical. I have been walking the treadmill and will be going back to the elliptical very soon. I spend 30 minutes straight on the elliptical at a time, working toward a 12 minute mile. I should be there now....but with Linda and Debbi coming to shop hop this weekend, I'm suppose to be cleaning....so why am I talking to you? :o

Gotta go....

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Well, duh, Mary Beth. You're talking to me because, like me, you love to talk!!:P

Not sure why cleaning your house is part of shop hopping, but do what you must. Have fun shop hopping--take pics to post, if you can!!

And you're right...no 15 lb weights until you've built up to them. Before my surgery, I was using 15 lbs for several exercises, since then the only dumbbell around is me:P

Okay, Meg...6 surgeries and no pain (thank goodness)...but can you ride?? That's my yardstick. I have to be able to ride my ponies--then I'll consider my back a success.

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