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Special Message to Pat Noonan...

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It was so good to chat on the phone with you today, sweet friend. :) Thanks for the laughs, and the little tears we shared were sad but so sweet, too. I decided that if I must have the tears, I'll take the bittersweet ones. :) Sharing those with friends don't make them so tough when they fall on the cheek.

Just know that I love you...and that I send many hugs and prayers to my strong-souled, very brave, and super funny friend. :P You are so much of a good thing wapped into one person. Oh yeah, and you're a good quilter, too. That's icing on the cake.

In spite of all the tough times, I know you always seem to find ways to laugh and have a smile in your day. I hope that all your days have a wee bit of good in them.

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Thank you Shana - As I said,when you mentioned something to do with me being an angel, I'm only an angel as long as my halo stays above my little horns. Just a bit of rebellion left inside to keep things interesting. I also enjoyed our call. You are so sweet and I'm glad that we had a chance to chat. Take care of that DH of yours and I'll do my best to do the same with my DH. That strength that you see is in the Lord...The Joy of the Lord is my strength...so the strong part is the joy that is in Him. I have to give Him the credit cause on my own, I'm a wuss. And everyday as it passes, I do see good in each one as that is the path we are to walk. And neither DH nor I will be held captive by cancer. bless you dear friend. :cool:

PS, you know why I use the cool face don't you? Cause it matches my picture !!

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Originally posted by PattyJo

I'm only an angel as long as my halo stays above my little horns. Just a bit of rebellion left inside to keep things interesting.

Patty...I am so glad that I'm not the only one here that needs to make sure her halo is kept straight....

My dad would call up kids Angel/devils....the devil would show when our halos slipped......or fell off and got hooked onto a horn.....NEVER lost one yet, but at times it does slip and gets hooked onto a horn....:P;)

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Well, we have 4 of the top ten chatters on here patting each other on the back and I have to get in here so that I don't loose any more ground to the those that have 2 to 5 thousand posts. I gotta keep up or I'll be left behind in the dust. I keep trying to increase my # of posts, but you guys are always just ahead of me. Oh, well, I've been doing important things - like sleeping, eating and believer it or not - quilting! LOL :cool:

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Hi Linda, Well, we hope that this Thursday will be his last chemo treatment for awhile. DH says that he will go another month if the Dr thinks he needs to, but he is getting quite weak, so I'm hoping the Dr says he's done. Went to the hosp yesterday to replace the stints in his kidneys that were put in last May, so yesterday was shot. Another check up today at the Dr's office and then chemo on Thursday. I was just reading the post about not wanting to be at work and I think I am at work but I can't find my paycheck!! LOL;);)

Thanks for asking about DH. He is a trooper for sure and I hope that he will be able to gain back some strength when he gets off the chemo. :cool:

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Patty Jo, we love you, girl. I see that you are keeping the faith. Lean on Him. And it so affirming to know that we are all sisters here, encouraging and cheering each other on.

Now, about Mary Beth. Well, I'm just going to have to call Joann and tell her to put her hankie quilt under lock and key. ROFLTIPMP....

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