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Do you think DH will notice this....

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One thing I learned today....don't ever give me Advil PM!! I took 2 and went to bed at 9:45 pm - got up and fixed DH's lunch at 4:30 and was back asleep by 5:10 - just woke up at 8:45 - only because I forced myself up! Who knows what I put in DH's lunch :D:P:D That stuff is powerful.

The bruises are very vivid, lined up in a row from ankle to just above my knee...pretty much anything that was hanging out of the attic :P:D And then the scrape where the hide disappeard - you know that shin bone thing that doesn't have any meat on it - on the front of your leg....the only place I don't have meat :D:D:P

Probably the part the hurts the worst is my gimpy shoulder. The attic hole is just high enough from the top of a cabinet in the garage that you have to climb a ladder, then hoist yourself into the attic through that hole. When you come down you have to put your hands on either side of the hole and kind of lower yourself - or un-hoist. When I came down I was pretty much hurting every where and then I had to un-hoist and strained my giblet (that's ozark for hurt my shoulder) :)

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Oh MaryBeth, I'm so sorry that you got all brused & scraped. This will be a birthday that you both will remember for a very long time. I'm glad that he didn't ground you, but instead took you to the quilt shop! What a guy you have. Maybe now would be a good time to put in a pull down ladder and some plywood so that doesn't happen again. Then when it's your birthday, he can go up into the attic and won't fall thru while he's looking for pictures.. Take care of yourself friend.:cool:

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Mary Beth , you were lucky. my daughter fell through a ceiling tile at a building in our town and was in intensive care for three days. On Friday we go back for another cat scan. She is ok besides headaches--She landed on her head. It pretty much put a dent into her summer. Put some plywood up in that attic for your next adventure.

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Originally posted by deloa

Mary Beth , you were lucky. my daughter fell through a ceiling tile at a building in our town and was in intensive care for three days. On Friday we go back for another cat scan. She is ok besides headaches--She landed on her head. It pretty much put a dent into her summer. Put some plywood up in that attic for your next adventure.

Deloa I sure hope your daughter is feeling better and the CT shows that everything is ok!

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We have a bunch of stuff out in the shed that I think would work for flooring in the attic. I don't have plans to go back up soon...but one of these days...there are some great pictures up there and they are going to ruin if I don't bring them down.

Deloa, I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. I know it can be very dangerous. They say I was luck, that the brace that holds the garage door track up is what kept me from falling to the concrete floor below.

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